[b]Andreios knew the young woman all too well. No sooner had she gotten back to her room than Ava decided that she was going to try to escape her fathers estate, even if just for a few hours. She had done this last time as well, only leaving for a couple of hours at a time, that time increasing with each escape into the outside world. The lure of freedom was just too much for her to ignore. Putting on some boots & a riding outfit, Ava decided she would go for a short ride & then come right back, & no one would be the wiser. She put on her cloak before going outside. Being everywhere was currently covered in snow, she would be able to use her old specialty in water magic to escape. Leaning over the balcony edge, the mage felt an alarming amount of power in her body as she quickly built a set of stairs with the snow & hopped over the edge of the railing. She quickly & quietly made her way down after, her snow stairs crumbling after her feet no longer made contact with them. Ava felt so proud of herself & her stealthy exit. & to think, just two days ago, making the snow stairs was so hard to do. Just where did this increase of power come from? Oh well, she'd worry on that later. Turning on her heel, Ava was shocked when she ran into something solid, stopping her dead in her tracks from continuing to the stables. What in the world? "M-master Andreios?" [/b]