[center]☆protettore☆ " Nooooooooo," Protettore moaned, clinging to Cepheus' pant leg for dear life. Cepheus was his only friend on the ship now that his uncle was gone and he didn't want to be left alone again. But his little fingers were powerless to stop Cepheus from breaking his hold and leaving anyway. " Please don't go..." He mumbled, watching him leave sadly, close to tears again until one of the few female crew members on the ship approached him. " Um...o-okay..." He replied tentatively, unsure if he could trust her or if she was just was just as crazy as Mariemaia. But spending time with the girls sounded better than the guys, since the remaining two vampires, the sad one and the strong one, scared him. ☆mariemaia☆ Mariemaia was pulled from her depressing thoughts about her failures by Nemesis and was confused at first. But when she heard her friend's plan and Protettore's tear stained face, she instantly brightened up, " Yeah, that's right! You, me, and Nemmy will have some fun together, okay?" Being with Nemesis and Protettore would help her forget about the disaster with Jecht and help her get her mind off of things. Jecht seemed to be doing fine with Phillipe anyway, all he needed was rest. Bending down, Mariemaia ran her hand through Protettore's tangled hair, softly taking out the knots, " What do you wanna do?" She looked down at the makeshift pants Cepheus had managed to pull together at last minute and grimaced to herself. " Tell ya what, when we get to shore we should get you some new clothes!" ☆videl☆ Videl merely waved off Cepheus' comment, unfazed. Better facing a disgruntled hellhound than a heartbroken vampire any day. He nodded at Nemesis' suggestion, willing to clean up the ship than to take care of Trixxtal's nephew. Not that he didn't like the kid or anything, but Nemesis and Mariemaia seemed to know a bit more about childcare than he did. Leaving them up to their own devices, he turned to Charlie and rubbed his hands together, ready to get to work. " So! Where do you want to start off first?" It was a bit of a strange question to ask, considering the ship had taken an absolute beating in the past few days, what with the wizard attack, the werewolf attack, and Jecht's fit of rage, so the whole place was a complete disaster. But it was best to pick a spot and start from there. " Hey! You guys!" He shouted to some crew members who were passing by, " Let's get this place fixed up!"[/center]