[i]-Leo Octavius-[/i] Leo woke up form his sleep on the bottom bunk of his bed,. He sat up and looked at his barren room, there was nothing it in. No posters, no rugs, no decoration, and no people. [b]"I might actually get a room to myself this year, That'll be a change for once."[/b] He said to himself as he stood up form the bed, He stretched his back and stretched arms. After starring at the empty room some more he decided to start unpacking his stuff. Leo could never do anything productive with some noise, or at least music or something, so he flipped on the T.V. that was in hi room. The T.V. was probably complementary from the school because it at the school crest on the side, and it's been here since Leo stepped in the room. The channel that the T.V. was on was the school new/update channel. It showed all the duals that when, including who leading in them. Leo started to unpack as his blissfully listened to the noise of the T.V. [center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] [i]Sophie Reynolds-[/i] Sophie Watched as as Page went and got a snack. It was sop fast it almost looked like Page had flickered slightly than reappeared with a small bag of some food. It took Sophie a few seconds to realize Page was running that fast. [b]"That's so cool! Is that your magic? run really fast?"[/b] Sophie stopped and realized she was a little over excited, so she calmed her self down and spoke again,[b]"I'm sorry, my name is Sophie Reynolds. Thank you for the directions."[/b] Sophie noticed the golden wings stitched into the blue tie of Page,[b]"I like your tie. Does everyone get the golden wings, once they're here long enough?"[/b] She asked while she smiled joyfully at Page.