Amano's face becomes impassive as he listens to the beast describe his “home” in harsh detail. He swallows hard, keeping his stride even, though the images forming in his head make him want to stop an clasp his hands over his eyes. The thoughts make him a little sick to his stomach, images of skin and flesh dripping off his bones like an over cooked pig. [i]'That place sounds horrid. I mean, as a d-demon, I knew he came from hell, but I gave it little thought. I mean, he's so calm and collected, and. . . .pretty, the thought of him being anywhere but the finest halls and the most extravagant of palaces seemed so wrong to me. It still feels wrong, but as he says, so shall I believe'[/i] He lets out a calming breath, keeping his eyes forward as he continues listening. As he begins speaking of all the things they do not have, his tone becoming somehow more. . .Amano can not identify it but as he brings up how humans flaunt their emotions, the good ones, Amano bites his lips sadly and glances back at Illiendi. He looks back just in time to catch his near whisper, and Amano feels his heart go out to the beast even more at the little smile on his lips. [i]'This is all beyond sad. I wonder if it's only there that such things don't exist, or if it carries over to when they are on earth. I mean, it sounds like that coming here is better than staying there. . .Well, that's a give in, but maybe there is something I can give him here that will make his stay more pleasant. I am glad now that I made a wish that will take a long time to complete. The longer he is here, the better I will feel about using a demon to reach my goals. . . .I think'[/i] Feeling a little choked up Amano tries to wet his throat by swallowing a few times, but before he can address the concepts running through his mind and heart, Illiendi is speaking once more. As the demon continues, telling of how he will pretend to be in love with one of his prospectives, Amano's step slows ever so slightly until at last he comes to a complete stop. “No.” His tone is firm, but not angry. He then turns to Illiendi, the street they are on is empty so he doesn't have to worry about how he is standing or the sound in his voice. “I won't do that Illiendi.” He takes a breath, shoring up as much courage as he can muster before explaining himself. His right hand comes up to cover his heart, the tips of his fingers brushing the brand on his chest. “I know a lot of people who would follow this last instruction no problem, but I refuse to do it. Those people I know? They are scum in my eyes. I have a much higher view of the value of my heart, and the love it can carry.” He shakes his head ever so slightly, keeping his tone carefully respectful. “You say you do not have love where you are from, so I do not fault you for wanting to use this human strength, or weakness depending on your views, to your and mine's advantage. It is indeed a great plan. However, I can not play with that emotion. I will never [b]pretend[/b] to love someone, ever. When I confess a love, it will be true, and with an honest heart.” He bites his lip again, his eyes dropping for a moment as his own passion seems to suddenly embarrass him. However he brings his eyes back up a moment later, the conviction of his belief burning bright in his eyes. “Love is precious, over all other emotions we humans can feel. It can start wars, stop them, take a million lives to defend it, or give birth to nations in it's pure unrivaled state.” He shakes his head one last time. “No Illiendi, I'm sorry, but I will not use love as a mere tool. . .” His voice trails off, his face set in resolve and strength. After a few seconds however his cheeks light up and he coughs. “Sorry, I talk too much, I shouldn't be preaching to you. . .” His eyes turn away rather than falling, remembering once more that he's suppose to look like a high class gentleman at all times. His head tilts after a moment however and he adds a bit bashfully, “Beside, yes, I know the names of all the girls, and they all know me, and not a one of them would ever believe me. They know I don't find them attractive either physically or mentally. I prefer people with brains. .. “ He chuckles at this, baring the girls no ill will, and they themselves knowing they are not up to Amano's intellectual standards and not ashamed of that fact.