A soft humming echoed across the restroom. No particular song in mind, just a slow melody of sorts. The source of said humming then proceeded to thoroughly wash her hands and....pause once she heard the sobbing. For she knew the exact origin and reason of such sorrow. Smiling, Ariel walked up to the stall and gently knocked on the exterior. "Hello? Is someone in there?" She knew there was. Placing her palm on the lock, she concentrated for a moment. In mere seconds, the restroom lock had crumbled away into black dust, leaving no prior indication that it was even there. "I'm coming in now, ok?" Opening the door, Ariel smiled widely as she already guessed who it was. The girl from the other night before. Ariel herself wore a dark and dressy atire, her black hair almost covering one eye. The eye that could be seen however was a deep and dark red color. Was she an albino? And was this some kind of new fashion statement? Lunging forward, Ariel embraced the bespectacled girl in a hug, gently nudging her on the shoulder. "You did survive after all! I knew you were stronger than those other girls!" Well this was akward.