They were the same nightmares that haunted her for the last week. The events of her wedding repeating over and over. Other past memories making their way through. Gaston’s death and memories of Rumpelstiltskin…It was as if her mind was confused, torn. Although emotions such as those shouldn’t have existed; Gaston was dead and Rumpelstiltskin had pushed Belle away. The whisper’s entered her ears, it sounded like they were apart of her memories and dreams. Voices of surprise, intrigue, happiness and even excitement. The steady clopping of the horse’s hooves, the subtle rise and fall as the large animal moved. The villagers watched, momentarily forgetting the fire that burned within the forest as Mushu slowly trotted through the town. The small woman watched them all, as if she was looking for something, someone. Mushu’s head snapped to her left as she heard Belle’s name being called out from a distance, an older, stalkier man running through the villagers, pushing through them. She pulled back on the reins, the horse not stopping immediately. Belle’s name was still being called out by the man as he approached. It sounded distant to her ears, slowly it grew closer, louder until the voice boomed in her ears. But that wasn’t the reason Belle’s eyes shot open. It was the burning pain that seared through her right hand. Looking down at her limb she watched in fear as tears swelled in her eyes. Bones breaking and reforming, black claws breaking through her human fingernails. The pain travelled through her veins, up her arm and neck, across her chest and face. Her eyes began to glow in an unnatural manner. Raising her head she looked around, the buildings were familiar, hauntingly so. Belle’s name was called once more as she looked over in fear. Her father approached, her sisters not far behind. She hadn’t time to say anything as she struggled through the pain, attempting to get off the horse. The animal reared in fear and pain as her newly forming claws dug into it’s flesh. The animal knocked her off, Belle wincing as she hit the stone path, Mushu attempting to calm the large horse. Belle felt a soft touch, her back arched as he spine pushed out, viciously pressing against the fabric of her dress that began to tear. She met her father’s gaze briefly, her eyes vicious. A scream of pain escaped her as more fabric began to tear. Her body beginning to change more rapidly, slowly expanding and growing larger. Belle tried to move, run…to get away but the pain had her pinned. Her dress was sprawled across the stone road in rags. In Belle’s place there was something else, it was large, thick, covered in dark brown fur, similar to the colour of Belle’s hair. It panted for a few moments. Slowly the beast moved, it began to rise, at first just on four legs, like a dog. Although much larger than it seemed moments ago it wasn’t till it came to it’s full height on it's two hind legs that the people of the village began to panic. It’s long tail swaying from side to side as it slowly turned around. Belle’s father watched in true horror as he slowly stepped back. It’s eyes were a burning amber, the same colour as Belle’s eyes. This gaze held hunger, a great amount of hunger. Fully turning it’s body around the beast looked at all the humans that began to scatter, a low growl rumbling in it’s throat. [b]"Look out! That beast killed Gaston!"[/b] One villager shouted in terror as he tried to sway the children from approaching the beast in their juvenile curiosity. It had only been assumed that Belle had died after chasing after this very same beast on the day of her wedding. However watching the beauty transform into the beast with their very own eyes, the villagers were starting to piece together what had really happened. Looking down at the closest human, the beast approached the elderly man. He stumbled backwards, the beast dropping back on all fours with one arm on either side of the man. Maurice, Belle’s father looked up in horror, tears rolling down his cheeks. It snarled at the man, fangs bare. It roared at the man and before being able to proceed with the kill, the creature’s head shot to the right, an irritating pain stabbing at it’s shoulder. A weapon of some sorts stuck out from the fur, the creature grabbed it and yanked it out as it roared at it’s assailant. The small female, Mushu, ran towards the horse and quickly jumped on it. Spurring the large horse they tore off, the beast following behind with a surprising amount of speed for it’s size.