Wait a minute... an academy? Who builds an academy on what seems to be the edge of a cliff at the top of a mountain? No, that wasn't the right description either. Feeling seriously uncomfortable, Leon slowly walked away from the safety of the wall and looked around, seeing yet another impossiblity; a blue, cloudy sky in most directions, empty for as far as he could see. But for that to be true, they had to be on the highest thing in the wide vicinity. In another direction, he could see an unnatural blackness. Finally, in the direction he was supposed to came from... Nothing. Well, at least not the city that was supposed to be there. Overwhelmed by everything around him, it took a short while for his brain to register the fact that the girl asked him a question. "A new student? No, I'm not. I don't even know how I got her in the first place. ...My name's Leon, by the way," he answered. "So uhm... why is this place floating?," he said with as calm a voice as he could muster. Which, given the circumstances, was not very calm at all. "And, on that topic, why is it connected to a tunnel in a ghost city, breaking all laws of reality in the process?" Of course, there was a good chance that the girl knew absolutely nothing about this, but hey, it wasn't like Leon had anyone else to ask these questions to.