Aeden smiled as the princess came to join him. She was so cute when she was in a good mood, though he wondered if it was difficult to maintain that with such a strict father. "I think I can manage that this weekend, 'M'Lady.' " He playfully ruffled her hair, despite knowing that he'd have hell to pay if anyone else saw him commit such an informal action. "Assuming that the knights don't suddenly decide that they need a new training dummy, of course." Some of the younger recruits seemed to have some sort of issue with him, but it wasn't his fault that they didn't understand how card games worked. Or that they didn't know when to stop placing bets. He honestly thought they would learn eventually. He walked just ahead of Genevieve, turned around and walking backwards just so he could look her in the face while talking to her. Her expressions were always interesting to him, especially when she was happy or surprised. "I assume there must be something else you want me for today, yes? I know I would very much like to avoid the kitchen for a while considering what cook's gonna do to that poor soul who messed with the fruit." Pulling out a couple of apples, he tossed one in the air and caught it before passing it to the princess. "Pity he got caught, but at least some of us got something out of it."