Aeden placed a hand on his heart in a melodramatic fashion. "Me? Frame someone? Now how could you possibly think me capable of such a tricky act? I might have planted a few suggestions in the right places, but I assure you, they got themselves into it entirely on their own." He wasn't a bad person, just a little easily bored and maybe a bit passive aggressive towards certain people sometimes. Really, though, some people just made it too easy. Someone had to get them to wise up. Turning around at the doors, he made sure that they remained open as the princess walked in. "Ach, another ball? How does the man keep finding ways to keep having them? Surely he's exhausted his supply of stuffy, boring, and annoying nobles already?" The servant commented as he followed her up the stairs. "If you ask me, he's going about this the wrong way. If you want a party for people to find husbands at, you need livelier music and less stiff clothing. Something people can move around in, I mean. And a contest of some sort might help. How can the [i]good[/i] men possibly impress their ladies without the proper opportunity?" Truthfully, Aeden really wasn't looking forward to the day that Genevieve either found a husband or was made to accept one chosen for her. The thought of some boring windbag coming in and cutting short their time together on suspicion of certain happenings irritated him to no end. Still, he knew there was not much he could do about it. At least Genevieve was stubborn enough to refuse everyone so far. As they reached the bedroom, he held open the door for her before waltzing over to the wardrobe. Opening it up, he stood back and looked over the complicated looking articles of clothing. He knew what he liked, but pleasing the upper class was an entirely different matter. They had so many rules and odd tastes. He turned back to his companion. "What exactly were you thinking of going for?"