Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak had been doing his best to provide useful information to the guards' frontline via telepathic communication. Mental communication was not all too taxing when he did not have to break through mental wards, so as long as he did not attempt many more illusions, he guessed he would have the stamina to last through the fight. He just hoped this fight would be the last one. This battle felt like organized warfare...something he was familiar with. His eyes scanned the enemy lines, trying to determine their next move. As they were demons, they fought differently than any army he had faced, but there were still enough similarities for his experience to be useful. He could tell when it seemed like they were about to push a particular spot. Whenever he noticed a threat, Ssarak did what he could to reinforce the area by notifying guards of the attack, directing archers to the location, and moving in himself to reinforce the front. Overall, the demons pressed hard, but they were holding. Ssarak used the defensive posture of the guards, and the height difference between them, to his advantage. While the guards used their shields to block, he could swing over their heads to wound or kill their attackers while they were vulnerable. This continued until a few demons broke a small hole in their lines, which Ssarak immediately tried to fill himself. He pushed back a few of the smaller ones with a few swings of his axe and his overall size and strength, but one of the larger ones gave him more trouble. Instead of dodging or defending when Ssarak took a swing, the seemingly suicidal demon simply let Ssarak's axe through so it could land a strong hit on Ssarak's chest with its warhammer, which he was only slightly able to deflect by angling his body. After the impact of the hammer, Ssarak was nearly thrown off of his feet. The guards finished off the demon and filled in the gap, but the blow had left its mark. There was a decent sized dent in his chestpiece, and, after he was able to breathe again, he felt a slight, but noticeable pain with every breath. One of his ribs was at least fractured. Fortunately, the battle seemed to be shifting. The teachers had taken notice of some of the tougher demons, demoralizing some of their minions. The guards were not only holding, but beginning to push back. Ssarak had been hurt worse before, and could still fight if he needed to, but it would not be appropriate for him to lead the charge. If he was correct about his injury, it would not develop into a serious one as long as he moved carefully and, most importantly, did not get hit again. Glancing away from the frontline for a moment, he saw some of his friends in various states of exhaustion and injury, but all obviously alive. He felt a bit of relief come over him, but with the battle still raging, it was not over yet. Still, he took a moment to approach the body of the Black Knight. Ssarak had caught glimpses of the demon, but was too focused on holding the front line to join the others in killing it. The Knight had looked to be strong, but with Meirin standing over its corpse and half of a spear protruding from its face, it was obviously not strong enough. "Impressive." Ssarak said to the group as he looked to Meirin. "Are you hurt?" He asked, not truly caring about his own condition.