I made sounds like a flopping fish as I got up. I wasn't used to being a blob, let alone a dragon. Did I really do all of this by simply typing out a few words? Well. Better not mention NA. I'd get myself killed, or even laughed at. So anyway, I shone in the sunlight that happened to give everything it's colour. It was probably around 9 am, considering how high the sun was; enough to annoy people if they were tall. "Agh. I feel like a fish." I sighed shortly afterwards, shaking my head briefly to keep awake. The sun did just that, beaming onto a sword that happen to be on the asphalt. "Oh. Cool." I picked up the sword, noting it's weight. It was rather plain, but it probably took a week or two to work on. (What? Swords aren't created within the time span of a montage. Go view real life, and then you'll find out why weapon shortages in the feudal period were as serious as running out of ammunition.) Nevertheless, it was better than nothing. Or at least slapping people with my floppy arm. Knowing how this reflected my... wait, it wasn't like NA anymore. Nevermind. But, I thought I knew the basic layout of what was to come, so I may as well come to help. And then one thing led to another. Speaking of feudal ages, a phoenix clad in armour like a knight tried to swipe the thing from my hands, while I was inspecting the thing and pointing it away from me. "Hey! Let go! It's my sword!" Ah bloody hell. I couldn't let go. "I said let go! What's with you!?" After he spaghetti my arms, we both realised he needed lighter armour, preferably Kevlar. Well, actually... "I'm trying! This thing's stuck to me now!" The knight decided to go medieval on my ass and prove science wrong. (I know that's not science, but I was going with a theme here.) And then, Galileo began rolling in his grave, laughing at the knight trying to disagree with observation. "Fine! You win! I'll just craft myself another sword within a week, thank you very much!" Without doing anything, I had gotten myself a weapon. I should really start doing this to everyone. The knight stormed off into his garage which was filled with all sorts of machinery, dismissing everyone. Including the newcomer who had probably jumped through the hybrid's portal. "Uh... hi... ya?" I'll be honest - I didn't like greetings. I took steps closer to the little group that had formed, going from threesome to foursome (don't get any ideas). "What in the blazin' heck is that?" I said, peering over someone's shoulder and flinching at the cave. I didn't have a fear of spiders; it was the amount of spiders that got to me. "...I've got a million more questions, so can we can please not go through yet?" I asked, rather timidly.