[hider=Ship Types]Pinnace: http://www.manlyadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pinnace.jpg A very small ship, akin to a rowing boat, usually to be found aboard larger ships and propelled by oars or sails. They are very versatile vessels and can be used for nearly anything whether it be ferrying passengers and mail, communicating between vessels, scouting for anchor, deliver provisions, or carry armed sailors. They can also be used as lightweight smuggling vessels or even as raiders. Sloop: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LAuCCls0ox8/S-MggAcMFRI/AAAAAAAADFg/kCXQGUl8Alw/s1600/HMS+Pickle.JPG A small combat vessel with great maneuverability and a small but useful array of cannons. Sloops are capable of outmaneuvering and boarding larger vessels, and are fast enough to catch small vessels as well. While it can rely on its keen maneuvering to confuse enemies while pummeling them with small-but-potent cannon fire, a sloop will be in trouble if hit by a large broadside. Barque: http://nonprints.com/uploadpic/Montague%20Dawson/big/The%20Old%20White%20Barque.jpg A mid-sized combat vessel, or alternatively a small trading ship. These vessels display interesting sailing characteristics for their size, and can manage to escape combat with most larger ships. Its cargo capacity and speed are perhaps its most significant advantages as it is nimble enough to protect itself from most ship types, and can survive a broadside or two from an enemy ship without too much trouble, but can also carry a significant amount of cargo. Fluyt: http://www.modelships.de/Fluyt-Zeehaen/gIMG_8502.jpg A mid-sized trader with poor maneuverability and speed for its size. Ungainly and relatively weak in firepower, these ships are often seen as easy prey to both pirates and raiders. They have no characteristics worth mentioning aside from their significant cargo capacity. This ship is largely unsuitable as a combat vessel, and is sailed only by Dutch and occasionally English traders. Merchantmen: http://imageweb-cdn.magnoliasoft.net/nmm/supersize/d7756_2.jpg http://www.dkimages.com/discover/Projects/AT875/previews/487467.JPG A mid-sized trading vessel with a surprisingly large defensive array of cannons and crew capacity. Considered prey by most combat vessels, the Merchantmen can often put a dent in assailants nonetheless, though it is unlikely to actually outmaneuver or escape any but the slowest opponents. It can carry a large supply of goods, and is not too slow, thus making pirates in Merchantmen quite dangerous. Brigantine (Brig): http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131218225853/assassinscreed/images/b/b0/AC4_Victoire.png A family of mid-sized combat vessels, whose forte is their ability to take on any other ship, using either their good maneuverability or formidable firepower as required by circumstances. With ample cargo space and reasonable speed, they are favoured by captains who like the mix between strength and speed these ships offer. Brig class ships are used for many warlike tasks by all factions and the difference between the brig classes is easily the most noticeable, with the smallest ships being significantly more maneuverable than the largest, but the largest being significantly better armed. Trading Galleon: http://www.accioncultural.es/virtuales/florida/img/rec/barco_aviles.jpg This ship is the largest ship sailing the Caribbean, easily dwarfing the tiny Pinnaces and Sloops. Used as general-purpose trade ships by the Spanish, their gigantic cargo holds often contain great riches. While this massive trading vessel has a huge crew complement and room for the most cannons of all ship types - meaning its broadsides are a real threat - it is too slow to put these to good use in most situations due to extremely poor sailing properties. Needless to say, when fully armed a single broadside from a trading galleon will sink or cripple most small or mid-sized ships, but it is still easy to outmaneuver this ship and most of the time the ship wouldn't be at full complement, meaning its completely power cannot be brought to bear. War Galleon: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Adler_von_L%C3%BCbeck.jpg A set of heavy combat vessels used by the Spanish to protect their trade routes and assault other factions. War Galleon classes pack a lot of firepower, though their slow turning rate can make those cannons difficult to use properly. Easily out-maneuvered by smaller ships, these hulking beasts rely on their ability to hit the enemy at least once before being boarded. War Galleons also have potential for speed in the lower classes, though that largely depend on the wind direction. The heaviest combat vessel in the Caribbean, it typically sports both a large array of cannons and a large crew, and therefore can cripple most other ships with a single successful broadside. Frigate: http://www.shipmodels.com.ua/images/models/74_gun_ship/11_b.jpg A heavy but fast combat vessel, designed to take on both large and medium-sized ships. Some of the most heavily armed ships in the Caribbean, frigates are often used by non-Spanish nations to perform their most vital wartime operation. Frigates carry formidable armament and a large crew, but have trouble sailing against the wind. Frigate use is complicated due to their less-than-favourable sailing properties, but in the right hands they are practically invincible. The heavy frigates are more commonly known as 'ship of the line' or 'man o war' and are quite possible the most powerful ships in the world.[/hider]