[center][img=https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10382737_861244910557388_3501727775739487827_n.jpg][/center] [center]***[/center] Heat waves rippled off the fresh impact crater of the comet. Dust and smoke spewed, spitting small rocks on the foliage surrounding the crater. The air took on a metallic taste as it tried to clear. Huge gusts of wind blew from above, flushing the smoke and debris. The crater, still steaming from impact, was about the size of a house, maybe a little deeper.  You awake to a bright blue sky walled by steaming dirt. A number of other people lie around you, also struggling to move. You feel exhausted. Cold. Your memory is blank.  At the very center of the crater a small white cat laid motionless, burn marks covering its face and paws. Its leather vest still smoked, and the small sword it carried glowed red. The cat's tail twitched, and it mewed softly.  The land around the crater was ash and embers, but beyond that was a thick ring of forests with towering trees. To the right of the crater a large path of grass twisted into the  woods, disappearing among the bushes. Beyond that, the sound of babbling water bounced off the tree trunks. The air from the greenery was fresh and humid, a refreshing change from the stink of charred embers.