Genevieve stood and walked over to Aeden, "I love it! I think that my dress maker slipped it into my monthly wardrobe ideas just so I'd have it. Just in case I needed to go to a private meeting with a suitor." She shook her head, "That woman is devious if I may say so myself. I'm going to go try it on." She took the dress from her good friend and disappeared into the dressing room. Luckily she was already wearing a corset under her current gown. She would likely wear a different one when going to the ball, but it would do for now. She slid the material over her head after taking off her other dress. It fit wonderfully and she couldn't help, but smile in the reflection of her mirror. With the right shade of lipstick and her hair up in an elegant bun she'd likely make her father go crazy. It was perfect. She exited the dressing room and smiled at Aeden, "So, what do you think?" She asked as she did a small twirl in the dress. With the added poof of the wiring under it the dress looked a little shorter than it had on the hanger. It was mainly so she could show off the cute shoes she'd wear with it. She had in mind the perfect pair. She walked over to her wardrobe and fished around. She grabbed the shoes and sat down on the bed to put them on. "My father is going to have an aneurysm!" She said gleefully. A knock at the door startled Eve, "Yes?" Her mother walked in. At an older age Laura was still very beautiful. She had grown into her Queenly status and now an air of power radiated around her. The woman would be lying if she said losing Cirro didn't effect her personality. "Oh my!" The woman exclaimed. Her eyes glanced over at Aeden with a questioning look, "What is that dress for?" "The ball. I don't know how, but Sophia somehow managed to sneak it into my dress selections without father noticing." She smiled hopefully at her mother, "Maybe now men will notice me a bit better." "Sweetheart, don't you think its a little bit of a trashy color?" Laura said with an eyebrow raised. "But think about the look on [i]His Majesty's[/i] face when he sees me in it. It would make for some entertainment at the ball Friday." She put on a puppy eyed look to attempt to win her mother over on the dress choice. "Its your funeral when he drags you back up here, yells at you, and then forces you to change." She shook her head and smiled at Aeden, "Nice to see you Aeden. I'll be going now. Was just checking on you. See you for dinner?" "Of course!" Genevieve answered as Laura walked out of the room. She was shaking her head as she closed the door behind her. Eve laughed slightly, "Its a definite choice then. I'll have another one picked out just in case father decides to reprimand me for it." She shrugged.