Meirin stepped away from the Black Knight and left her spear in his head. She was very tired now, having cast a few Wing Weaving spells in quick succession. She could go through each of her forms ten times, one through twenty, but a single Aeromancy Weaving Spell seemed to take a lot out of her. She didn't even have much energy to try preforming a Vitamancy spell to heal herself with. Ssarak came over, his armor dented and his body bleeding form various injuries. He of all people asked Meirin if she was okay, which aside from a few cuts she sustained trying to fend off the knight and his flying sword, she was much better off than Sssarak. [b]"I'm alright. You, on the other hand, really need to get yourself patched up!"[/b] Just than the swordsman from before spoke out against Meirin. Apparently he din't like that she killed the Black Knight before he could have, which she herself found very stupid. Who cares who killed him? The demon needed to be dead. She was just going to ignore him until he collapsed, the injuries he sustained fighting the Black Knight finally taking him out. Upon closer inspection, the man was very heavily wounded, no doubt because he had the Black Knight's full attention. Meirin supposed she should feel grateful that he was willing to put himself in harms way to buy her and the others some time, even if he did seem like an arrogant bastard for it. Leith came over to comment on the battle itself, but when the man fell he wanted to bring him back towards the corner of the Dinning hall where the medics were curing the wounded. [b]"I think we all need to visit the healers right now."[/b] Meirin mustered what was left of her strength to lift the swordsman by his arms. He was quite heavy so she couldn't so much as carry him as much as drag him towards the corner.