To Shaige's satisfaction, a shrine had been erected in his honor. It was there that he found Fangir and Soran. The Mutig tribesmen that were there, offering their prayer and reverence to the altar, were ushered out. It would seem that the Mutig tribe were truly and utterly his now. That was good; soon enough Shaige would put them all to good use. Before revealing himself to his two foremost subordinates, both of whom stood statuesque, the Keeper took several moments to regard this newly built wing of the city. Though Shaige perhaps didn't even realize it himself, his presence had an intoxicating effect. Even in the form of a mere shadow, he exuded an aura of authority and inspiration. While this had no doubt contributed to the Mutig tribe coming under his absolute control, it also made them feel free. It made them eager and creative, and gave them an initiative that mere slaves didn't possess. Indeed, Shaige had left no orders or instructions. His followers had simply taken it upon themselves to build the shrine, and they had done so perfectly, as if they shared their master's mind. The altar was neither pauper nor makeshift, as it was enameled with gemstones and covered in engravings. Still, it managed to retain a humble and simplistic look; the stone slab hadn't been smoothed, merely covered with cloth, and a small stone idol was all that crowned the chantry. The room itself had been transformed from a dank, dark cavity in the earth into a place of awe. Mosaic tiles of carmine, ebony, and ochre covered the perfectly leveled floor. Great, chiseled columns were spaced at regular intervals, supporting a high ceiling. Walls of perfectly hewn stone bricks lined the walls about halfway up, before giving way to the natural cavern walls which had been smoothed and engraved. Many of the engravings on the wall and shrines were of significance, either magical symbols or scripture in the demonic language. The humans had simply been compelled by their imaginations to carve such images, oblivious to and uncaring about their origins or meanings. This chamber in the cavern had dripped incessantly and possessed several small waterfalls that cascaded down into dark recesses. The waterfalls were rerouted and turned into fountains. Near the shrine, two masive stone serpents protruded from the wall behind, the statues' mouths serving as fountains. The majority of the water poured down into the subterranean rivers and aquifers far below, but some was rerouted into a separate antechamber. Well hidden from the rest of the room beneath the arch of the giant serpents' necks, two spiral staircases descended below the shrine. At the bottom were three heavy-set, locked doors. This section of the temple was off limits to any save Shaige's attendants, which at the time consisted only of Soran and the other nine imps. One door led to the quarters of the aforementioned attendants, so that they would always be on hand. Another door, far larger and ornate than the other two, led to a small sanctuary. The antechamber was almost entirely filled by a massive, red fountain that stood directly beneath the shrine above. This was a new dungeon heart for Shaige. A tiny yet constant stream of water trickled down from above, ever diluting the crimson fluid. Many equally tiny whirlpools revealed that there were drains inside the fountain, emptying out its contents into the river below. The moving waters stirred the fountain and made it bubble, and a strange, magical mist wafted up from the simmering and foreboding solution. The sides of the unholy font were spaced out with many large stone sacrificial slabs. Currently, only two of them were occupied; some blood still trickled into the red waters from the headless corpses. Blood had to always be contributed to the hungering fountain, lest the solution grow too water and dilute, and Shaige's power begin to wane. The granite slabs were inclined so that gravity would slowly pull out most of the blood from the decapitated bodies, yet the slope was not so sharp as to make the corpses slide into the fountain. A pit was located in the back of the chamber. The corpses could simply be thrown into that deep recess, when it was time for their disposal. Back by the spiral staircases, the third locked door led to a prison complex. Blood slaves could be stored there. It was vital that they be kept fresh and alive until needed; old blood was less potent. For now, the cells were empty. Hundreds of long-dead humans had simply been stacked in the hallway. At least the imps had found a use for the stripped corpses of the crusaders that recently came. Their blood was stale and impure and the fountain was hardly red, which was no doubt the reason that Shaige felt hardly any stronger than when his heart was a simple vial of imp blood. Still, the heart was enough to anchor the Keeper to this world, and empower him and any who knew how to tap into the dark energy found within the shrine above. More than satisfied with the work of his followers, Shaige drifted upwards, through the ceiling. Back in the shrine room, he finally manifested himself before Soran and Fangir.