[center]Central Apartment Complex[/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/27357/posts/ooc?page=1#post-817398]Junko Heizen[/url][/center] --- She had continued on treating Jenive's arm, halting but a moment as the girl flinched. A few moments later, another member of their group, more specifically Kiku the grinning chameleon girl, arrived just in time to watch her bind Jenive's arm with the bandage. No doubt the invisigirl had decided to return because of the screaming mutant earlier. She did feel a bit amused by Kiku exclaiming over the chainsword however. "Oh the things one could do with that..." Jenive sighed."...If only it didn't likely weigh sixty pounds." True, though she had no idea what pounds would be converted to kilos. Feeling slightly euphoric Jenive did not want the sword, she finished her work on the bandage before a flapping sort of noise came to her ears. Quick as lightning, her hand flashed towards her sidearm, bringing it to bear on the offender who had landed upon Kiku. Her heart was seemingly pounding in her ears, her eyes wide and wild as she berated herself for being careless. However at this kind of range, it wouldn't be too much of a feat to put 5 bullets into his chest before he stood up. Her hand depressed the trigger, almost triggering the shot before another woman landed, ordering them to stand down. [i]Tch, just another piece of overconfident trash that man, though the woman looks competent enough.[/i] Soon after Kai reported in about some boy he had found, and the woman, Alyss, simply left and walked on downstairs. "What's her problem...So... Uhh... I guess we should go inside the apartment. Before another one of those chainsword wielding freaks comes and actually does something smart." "I will look upon the other group and see how they fare." With that, she picked up her rifle and slung it over her back, holding the chainsword in her left hand and her pistol in the right as she descended down the stairs. One could never be too careful after all, as enemies could be hiding in plain sight, just biding their time to strike when opportunity presents itself. Reaching the western rooms without incident, she unslung the rifle and set the chainsword down against the wall beside her. Overwatch was her priority and too many soldiers crowding whoever it was Kai found wasn't exactly the sort of thing that would be beneficial to it. Once again, she licked her lips, and set the scope to her eye, being careful so as to not have Vladimir jut out from the window. Again she stared at each white outlines on her display, marking allies and unknowns. And finally she set her eye on some sort of long pillar on a box shaped object. Dog like creatures were starting to descend upon the other team, Perfect targets. A dull thump reverberated through the room, as she took a bead on one of the wolves, and shot. There was a soft clink as the ejected cartridge from her gun hit the ground. She took aim on the other wolf, staying still for a while before finally shooting as she aimed the shot at it's head instead.