Enly'air stumbled as the giant - No, it had a name now. What had it called itself again? Balon. Not that it much mattered. - as Balon summoned a strong current out of the still black waters. She disliked the creature, but more than that she felt cheated. She had been fighting to protect her master, but in the end he had just ended up protecting her. She was weak. It was no wonder XIr'ain wanted a beast as strong as Balon, and not a weak human girl. He deserved a giant as his protector. Still, she felt cheated. The giant's, Balon's, voice boomed over her, "Little thing, if I were to hit you over the head with the point of this spear, do you reckon that you would be crushed, or cleaved in twain?" If I were to ask Xir'ain right now, would he slam the tunnel walls together with the beast between them? Enly'air could only speculate, but she thought he might just do that for her. Too bad it probably wouldn't be enough to kill the thing, but it might shut it up for quite a while. Beneath her formed mask of black, she almost laughed at the thought. "I know not, but I doubt a creature as dumb as you are could even hit me to begin with. Nay, I doubt you could hit any target smaller than yourself." Her biting words were delivered without the slightest indication that she had indeed spoken. The black-clad figure just continued walking along the bottom of the tunnel. She sincerely hoped the brute would take up that challenge and attempt to strike her. It would be interesting to see what would happen should he attack her now that he had accepted Xir'ain as his master as well. Then again, maybe Xir'ain wouldn't care it his underlings fought amongst each other, in which case her challenge would be regrettable given her current condition.