Seeing Zendra in distress, Ariel got out of her own desk and led Zendra to it. "Here," she said softly. "You can have mine." Dead silence followed in the classroom as student and teacher alike stared at her in wonder. Who was she? When did she get here? Startled by the sudden appearance more so than the act of generosity, the teacher flipped through his clipboard to try and locate her name. When he failed, he have Ariel a bewildered look. "Who...are you again?" Ariel giggled. "Don't you remember Mr. Morrison? I transferred in last week!" Wait, she did? Apparently so, because Mr. Morrison simply shook his head to affirm her words. "Yes....that's right...well, thank you for your kindess towards Zendra. We'll get you another desk shortly. By now, the other students were in the same trance, even the ones who had bullied Zendra just moments before. Everyone was acting as if they knew Ariel already. It didn't really take long to find another desk, and Ariel placed it right next to Zendra's seat. Giving the other girl a small wink, she leaned over to whisper. "Those people that sabatoged your seat? Can you point them out to me really quick?"