[quote=TheBiddz] Then, for the sake of avoiding an argument, because holy hell I do not feel like that, I'm willing to hold off on using come of the powers for the duration of this fight. The only thing I really changed was the reclassification of the wind powers from intermediate tier to high tier. I'd be more than glad to bump them back down until the fight is over. The ice powers stayed the same, and the addition of the anatomy section was to better detail how it works. He is not invulnerable in the slightest, he just doesn't feel pain or bleed. I'd be willing to edit my post too, because he doesn't need to fly to get up there, with the lowered gravity and all. [/quote] That's probably for the best, cause I'm not a fan of people jumping out of combat to then buff up their character before. Considering Tablurath never left and all. Cause I know he could not make ice out of any source of matter or create molecular blades using wind before. :K