Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak also found himself annoyed with the swordsman's comment, but they did not have to deal with his arrogance for long before he lost consciousness. Ssarak shook his head. "We have too many wounded with life threatening injuries, and not enough healers as it stands. My wounds will not kill me, let them focus on those who need it. Like this...individual." Ssarak approached the swordsman and picked him up by his feet while Meirin grabbed his arms, expediting the process of taking him to the back of the dining hall where the other wounded were being treated. Despite their current success in the overall battle, the situation on their side of the dining hall was desperate in a different way. They had almost no proper medical supplies, with no shortage of wounded. Their vitamancers were being taxed to their limits, so something needed to change if they were going to save all of the casualties.. "We should rejoin the fight as best as we can, and aid in pushing out the demons. If we can open the way to the infirmary, we may be able to do more for the injured." Ssarak suggested. He was beaten, bloody, and in real danger of cracking his ribs, but he had not exhausted his mageblood to the point that he could not help coordinate an offense. The others seemed similarly fatigued, but at the moment, their forces had the momentum to push out the demons.