The molecular cutting wind blades I'll give you. They were not in his sheet before, and even I personally don't think it'd be a stretch to say his powers would cover that, I can understand how it would seem like it comes out of left field to have them be as sharp as they are. However, his ice powers have been the same since I entered him into the Arena. There is nothing that does not freeze at negative 400 degrees below zero, except for helium. Helium freezes at negative 453 degrees under 25 atmosphere's worth of pressure. That's a bit out of his bounds. However, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, those are all fair game. So the wind powers I'll have go back to pre sheet levels, which I'll say still include air compression, air blasts, and blades, though the blasts won't be as strong and the blades won't be as sharp. I won't give them up completely though, cause they have been in the sheet from the start and to say he can't use them would mean giving up the five turns of charging I've done and I think that'd be kinda crap.