The demon looks down and curses under his breath when he notices that the boy's shoes are gone. [i]'Great, now I'll need to buy some as soon as we get back to my home. Most of the boys in town don't wear them at his sage, but this little one's feet, like most others in this realm, are to tender for such things. While mothers in my world let their children run around barefoot for the most part, letting them grow tough with the abuse they take against the rough rocks and dirt, I have noticed that here in this realm even babies are put into shoes. One of those strange cultural differences'[/i] He slows down a bit as they reach a safe distance from the house and the clean-up crew. His arms relax ever so slightly and he looks down at the boy. The softly uttered words from the child makes his heart ache for two entirely different reason. The feeling of contentment at the small life in his arms conveying such trust for him, and the slight guilt that he is the cause for the boy needing him so. '[/i] I did my job, and I do not feel bad for that. I do not regret my actions, however I do regret that they caused this child pain and fear'[/i] He lets out a sigh, slowing a little more until he is walking calmly. He notices the little one jumping as every little noise and he can not help but smile. [i]'That is actually a good instinct to have. He has sharp hearing too, some of these noises are quite quiet'[/i] He runs a hand soothingly down Daniel's back, shushing him gently every now and then. The boy is calm now but the actions are more for Vaanrasha at this point than that of the child's. Being so soft and caring makes him feel more and more like he made the right decision. Soon enough his goal comes into view and he lets out a sigh. The building in front of him looks a lot like an old run down warehouse, but the walls are completely intact, so too are all the windows, and the solid steel doors are strong enough to withstand a hurricane. Hiking Daniel up a bit he whispers softly, “You're going to see more like me inside, but I want you to just stay quite until we pass through the bright lights, okay?” Trusting the boy to do as he's told he walks up to the small side door and after pressing his palm to it the metal seems to dissolve out of sight leaving an empty archway. As he steps inside he makes quick not of all the other demons in the room, the presence of a human drawing all of their attention at once, but after a few silents seconds most go back to doing what they were doing before Vaan stepped in. He rubs Daniel's back a few more times before stepping up to a desk along one wall. The demon behind said desk looks up at him, his red skin and pudgy belly marking him as an Ogre type demon. Biting the thumb of his free hand Vaan presses it to a blank space on a huge book sitting on the desk, a moment later his signature appears in red in the same space. The ogre looks at it, Gives the boy a questioning look, but seeing as Vaan has no marks against taking passengers with him motions that the demon and boy can go on ahead. Vaan lets out a sigh and moves to a gateway. He utters a few words in his native tongue and a moment later a portal appears in front of him between the gateway polls. “Almost home.” he whispers softly as he steps into the sparking white and green light. There is a light rushing noise and a moment later Vaan appears in an abandoned barn half a mile from town. There are random piles of hay here and there, the roof above full of holes and the loft looks ready to fall over at any time. [i]'One of these days I'm going to have to do something about this place. Last time I came back I spooked a group of kids and had to hire someone to do some memory manipulation before the told the whole town about me. I didn't feel right locking them up like that. . .'[/i] He shrugs, smiling at Daniel with an honestly happy gleam in his eyes. “Now just a quick walk down the road and we'll be at my house. Do you want to walk? We can keep to the grass since we lost your shoes back there.”