Genevieve grinned down at the dress, "I love it! I also love your ideas. When did you become good at fashion?" She raised an eyebrow at him as she took the dress out of his arms. She was tempted to try it on, but she was enjoying being in the red gown entirely to much. She sat down at her vanity and began doing some work on her hair. She would need to have the look perfected once Friday came around. She tried a lot of different things and ended up with a elegant knot on the back of her head. She sighed as she began to brush through her hair again. A few minutes later her hair was in a beautiful bun that was also slightly messy. She picked up her favorite shade of red lipstick and applied it, "Maybe I will find a suitor on Friday." She glanced over at Aeden, "Maybe it'll be my Prince charming. I've always dreamed of one of those." She was only half joking as she said this. She hadn't necessarily [i]dreamed[/i] of having a Prince. She mainly just wanted someone that was kind towards her and saw her for who she really is. Someone like Aeden...She stopped her thoughts in their tracks. Had she actually just thought that? She mentally slapped herself as she turned around and looked at Aeden. "Well. The look is complete and I shall surely turn heads on Friday." She grinned as she stood, "Care to dance, kind sir?" She asked with a curtsy. The look on his face made her roll her eyes, "oh come on. I'm in a beautiful dress with my hair up in a bun. I don't want to waste it by taking it off. Dance with me." She stepped closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. She took his hand into hers and smiled at him. "Imagine there is beautiful piano music playing in the background." She closed her eyes for a second, "And we are surrounded by people gawking because they are snobs and they hate the colour of my dress." She opened her eyes with a grin still playing across her face.