[Center]Daniel Anders[/Center] --- There was a satisfaction to a successful hit, and although the blow was not a fatal one, it felt [i]daaaaaaamn[/i] good. Perhaps it was the glorious crunch of masonry on machinery, or perhaps it was the heavenly crack of bone and the guttural scream for a retreat from his foe. Maybe just a taste of days more savage and long gone, but Daniel enjoyed the taste of victory. It was his god-given gift, after all. The crusader would not be alive had the lord not willed his victory. Today, at least, Daniel was the champion of the lord. It took him a moment to analyse what grissly trophies were left behind by his foe. Chunks of flesh and orange goo were splattered across the floor: no doubt the technicians would want samples of the creature. He’d leave that to the biologist, anyway. What Daniel wanted was the treasure beneath the grime and gristle. The chainsword had shattered under the combined weight of a block of concrete and a heavily armoured mech: yet its engine remains mostly in tact. What it ran on was a mystery, but the engine itself was a prize in its own right. Daniel quickly gripped it with the mech’s oversized fist before he turned to the final, and most important of prizes. Brucie was sending torrents of fire at the tower of flesh, and for the first time: Daniel noticed it was breaking down the APC. Their biologist wouldn’t last very long in there, for certain. That meant that the group needed to pop the can open, and quick. Daniel chose to ignore the reinforcements. Nathaniel or Brucie could deal with them: people had a habit of distrusting the ex-raider and he had no time to waste. He moved towards the main entrance hatch of the APC, heavily damaged by the chainsword and full of gouges. Whatever kind of tech can cause this much damage… “No time to think. Need to act.” He decided that he’d make use of his most useful piece of tech on the mech once again, and after carefully placing the scavenged Chainsword engine on the ground, Daniel attached the hook to the door via one of the many additional gouges. Taking a few steps back, he tested the tautness of the line. One yank didn’t dislodge the hook or the door, which meant that he’d both need to and be able to apply the mech’s full: considerable weight. No radio warning was given: nor was a countdown given. After one last little testing tug, Daniel pulled back the mech’s full weight and pulled on the APC as hard as he could. He wanted to save the biologist now. As much for the information he’d be able to reward Daniel with about this new, mystery foe. Daniel longed for the day he could clash with the monstrosity again. The heathenous creature would probably remember Daniel now. The raider couldn’t imagine the beast would take defeat lightly. --- [Center]Kiku[/Center] --- The only way you can describe the sensation of her predatory spines prickling up in warning was to liken it to a tickle. Something mildly amusing and yet uncomfortable in equal measures. She looked up and saw the incoming Schmuck from above. Her face broadened into a smile as she took in the surroundings, as well as the angle of her foe. It would be a display of incredible intelligence, if she could actually explain what she was doing. Instinct drove Kiku, as it always did: and in her mind the only words that rang out, so very loud, were… [i]“mine, Mine Mine MINE!”[/i] The daggers were already in her hands as Matthew came in close. He didn’t have much wriggle room considering he was, y’know, midair and stuff: so Kiku delivered a blow which was going to open up his side like a pinata! The joy of seeing him spill open like a gutted fish was gunna be great! Except that it wasn’t. Something was off about the situation, because the weird schmuck didn’t fall like a normal person. He was weird or something...Almost freakishly weird… Something snagged her knife though. She looked up with a triumphant and hungry smirk as she saw the trail of blood flowing from the tip of her knife from his arm. It was a tiny little trickle: but the sanguine liquid still trickled on the steel of her knife. Matthew landed, and so did some other chick, but Kiku stopped giving a crap pretty quickly. Her eyes caught on the red delicacy on her knife’s edge. People were talking and moving and crap: even her radio made noise. It didn’t matter though. The world had taken that cheesy quiet mode. Like someone had turned down the volume and the only sound in Kiku’s ears was the pounding of her heartbeat. She took off her gasmask, knowing full well that the lethal smog of the Shadow Zone wasn’t going to affect her up top. The mask dropped on the floor like a discarded rag as she moved the knife an inch closer to her face. Seeing the blood so close was half of the extacy: the life of another person, so free of the body, so open to the elements. Turning to face Matthew, she stared him in the eyes as she dragged the flat side of the knife over her tongue, lapping up the blood on the outstretched muscle. The taste of it was pure ecstasy. Her eyes fluttered lightly as she felt a heady kick of endorphins in her brain. She was so alive in that moment. So active and so in love with the feel of the blood on her tongue: the metalic taste of someone elses life blood, dripping down her tongue and down her throat. She made a show of gulping it down: eyes never leaving Matthew as if to tease him with the pleasure she was finding from the war wound she’d inflicted. “You taste yummy, hunny.” She had a satisfied smile on her face as she reached down and picked up the gas-mask: attaching it to her face as she entered a mission-ready state of mind again. She had been denied a snack with the Vampyr, now the airborne Matthew had provided a delightful rectification of that denial. Looking around the rooftop, she noticed that Jenive and Matthew were the only ones on the roof with her. It didn’t really matter to her how many people saw that little display: although Col Black would probably be pissed if it came up on anyone’s mission report. The good Ms Black had been good to Kiku: If she actually had an angel on her shoulder: it would have worn Black’s face. “Better go and cover everyone’s booty. See ya down there.” Kiku skipped ahead of Jenive and Matthew, letting herself become translucent as Camouflage took over her body once more. She moved into cover as she started to move slowly towards the action that broody pants was in the center of. If she was lucky, Kiku might get some more snacks: who knows?! She didn’t bother getting too close though: her skills in a firefight were lackluster at the best of times: there would be better gunners who could take some popshots at the people shooting back at them.