Baudrii immediately set off once Clotho gave him his orders, his helm closing as he left. He first went down to watch as Scutra collected six imps and eight Myrmidons before leaving the hive to complete his mission. Once he was out of sight, Baudrii flew down to the pit and ordered three Myrmidons to follow him. With that done, he left and was soon up in the branches above Scutra's party, the branches long and strong enough to allow the Myrmidons to follow him from up there as well. They went directly to the river and made good time, arriving early enough to allow for them plenty of time to set up the ambush. As Baudrii watched Scutra give orders and the party carry them out, he grew more and more disappointed, disgusted even, the Macula situated on his chest observing it all as well. The barricade, while definitely sturdy, was large enough to be noticed immediately by the barge once it were to get past the foliage that blocked it from view. The imps hid behind the two trees that held the barricade up on either side of the river, the barricade just touching the water but drooping due to the weight. The Myrmidons, however, were all situated on one side of the river, same one as Baudrii, using the ferns and other foliage as cover with Scutra hiding behind them. The barge soon arrived, and Scutra was fortunate enough to have set it up on a part of the river where the water flowed faster. It was a fairly large barge, fitting for the role it served, but its weight worked against it when, despite the crew seeing the barricade and trying to slow it down, the current forced it forward and into the thick and webbed barricade. The sudden stop made many of the men go unbalanced for a moment, anyone inside likely being knocked over. The imps immediately went forth and began shooting more webbing at the front, further entangling the barge in the barricade. Two imps on the Myrmidon side used a stronger webbing to create a bridge across to the barge, once done the Myrmidons began to cross, only enough room for single file. As soon as the first one reached the deck, the plan began falling apart as the security for the vessel came out, consisting of ten guards and a bio mage. The guards, three of which wielded either bows or crossbows, made quick work of the lone Myrmidon as the mage quickly burned the web bridge, causing the two Myrmidons on it to fall into the river. They were able to make it back ashore, but one was killed by the bolts and arrows sent into its back. Scutra started shouting orders in an attempt to get them to attack again or shield him, then he started stuttering. Baudrii flew down and landed behind him just as he began to utter the one word that would have further sealed his fate, "Retr- Agh!" Scutra looked down to see the clawed, carapaced hand coated in some acid and his blood protruding from his chest. He turned his misshaped head just in time to see Baudrii swing his barbed edge broadsword, and see the world spin as he was decapitated. "Wh- Wh-" "You failed..." The sword ensured his death as it plunged into the center of the head. He looked around at the remaining forces, only a few of which had continued to look at him despited the arrows, bolts, and spells flying their way. Then, in a chittering, insect-like noise that seemed to instinctively come to him he issued these orders, "Drones, begin shooting webbing at the enemies' feet and weapons, you two make a wider bridge while they're distracted. Myrmidons, shield them and prepare to cross in twos quickly on my signal. Cowardice is not acceptable." The sense of authority he emitted allowed them to more easily follow his orders, even better than they had with Scutra, and they immediately got to work. Meanwhile, Baudrii flew up and disappeared among the branches. Soon enough, the guards were getting distracted by the webbing sticking to their feet and weapons, the mage having started to focus on cleaning them up with spells instead of attacking. The mage would hear a strong buzzing noise before his life came to an abrupt end, the drones had stopped shooting webbing and were now finishing up the bridge. The guards turned to face Baudrii just as he let out a shreek and the nine Myrmidons, the three he brought having joined them, crossed to the barge. It was too bad they hadn't much experience, else the slaughter that ensued might have at least been slow. The crew members that fought were killed as well, those that didn't were subdued and wrapped in webs, unable to move or scream for help. Now to finish what Scutra had been ordered to do. A short while later anything of value or that seemed as such had been taken ashore, any passengers captured, the barge scuttled, and any sign of the ambush erased, acidic venom was useful that way. The contents of some of the looked to be important documents and research papers, alchemical supplies, maps, food, unique plants, among other things. In total eight people were captured, three of the crew and five other, two of which wore dark green robes and leather aprons with sockets in them, one was an elderly male and the other a young female wearing glasses, the rest were either workers or civilians. With everything secured and bound in webbing, the new party started on their way back to the hive, carrying or dragging what they collected from the barge through the jungle.