[hider=Toellner][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Spiritual_Blade_Construction]Spiritual Blade Construction[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Cold_Air_Generation]Cold Air Generation[/url] Toellner was never a boring man. He was strong and confident which led to arrogance. Friends were not in his favor unless he had the money to buy them, which he often did. His family had plenty and he had more than. Following the footsteps of the father before him (and quickly stepping over him), Toellner climbed the political ladder and at the ripe age of 35, he found himself in the throws of America's Presidential Race. It was expected to be a landslide victory and as soon as Toellner's name was announced, it was discovered that he had disappeared. "He was right beside me," his wife told the press, "but when I turned to give him a celebratory kiss, he was gone..." He was gone. The words hung in the air like a lynched man. Two weeks later, Toellner's body was found in the freezer of Jorick's Pizzaria. Rumors flew around the nation and the world that he had been taken out by the Mafia for sleeping around with someone's daughter. Other rumors claimed that Toellner had made a pact with the leader of North Korea, but no one could claim what that could have been about. Whatever it was, Toellner was dead despite having no visible causes of death. Thinking it may be poison, Toellner's body was taken to be examined. However, once the examiner touched the dead man, his eyes snapped open and cold air rushed the room. The examiner was frozen into place and returned to normal as soon as a naked Toellner left the room. The examiner still can't explain what happened to this day. Today, Toellner does not desire to be a leader. Instead, he demands fine leadership (fine being his own definition). Rumors are now going around about this man of blue, called The Captain, who kills politicians in their sleep. No visible cause of death, but strange lacerations can be found internally during the autopsy and their blood remains frozen in their veins. [/hider] Well, I got ninja'd. Time to do Nex. [hider=Nex][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Undead_Manipulation]Undead Manipulation[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Video_Manipulation]Video Manupulation[/url] Nexerus Grahmar, has been said to be the best director of all time. His genre of choice? Horror. Funny enough, no one has ever found the correlation between the rise of body snatching and his first day of filming to be very odd.[/hider]