Sent a few more PMs to interested parties and here's my CS... --- Name - Aurik Warlo Age - 22 Sector - 2813 Homeworld - Bgztl Personality - calm, light hearted, determined Experience - 6 months Constructs - spirit/ghost, a twin energy-bladed scythe [Like Deathsythe Hell, Gundam style], daggers, armor [url=]Armor Pic[/url], a personal starship resembling that of Space Ghost's Former Occupation - R&D engineer of 'ghost tech' [tech that can become intangible like the people of Bgztl or invisible] Alien Power - Intangibility Appearance - [img=] BRIEF Bio - Aurik was a young engineer fresh out of college who was a key player in the development of ghost tech on a world where people could phase through objects like ghosts. Now so could their devices and household items, etc. But as well as the phasing Aurik discovered invisibility second to none as far as cloaking tech capabilities [this will be brought up later on in-game with a War with the Ghost Planet]. Sometime later a lab accident sent the young man from his plane of existance into ours [in this DCU]. He was issued a power ring from the GLC after saving the life of his lab partner before the ring found him and transported him to Oa seconds after the accident occured. Notes - ^^^Mentioned above we're going to have a War with the Ghost Planet at some point. --- ~KL~