[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/Rumpel.gif?t=1406852255][img=] [img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/240x160OriginalRumpelstiltskin.gif?t=1407701691][/center] The moment the doors to his bedroom closed, Rumpelstiltskin knew that Heather had been inside. If it weren't for the distinct feeling he got, the slight...disturbance in the air he felt, then it would have still been obvious by the way he spotted something out of it's place. Walking briskly over to his nightstand, Rumpelstiltskin picked up the hastily folded-up piece of cloth and brought it to his chest. With a heavy sigh, he sat down on the edge of his bed, turning the tattered fabric this way and that until he found the red, crude stitched letters spelling out the name 'Baelfire.' He brought the poorly-made baby blanket up to his nose and inhaled the sweet scent, a preservation spell still holding fast to the fabric after all these years and bringing Rumpelstiltskin immediately to his past. ----------------------------------------------------------- [i]Many, many years ago... Rumpelstiltskin hurried home quickly, a rolled up piece of parchment held fastly in his left hand. On his face he wore the happiest of grins, practically begging to let loose the good news he had been holding over the last few hours. It was a time before 'The Dark One' and Rumpelstiltskin wore nothing but simple rags. In fact, Rumpelstiltskin couldn't have looked more 'common' then he did back then. The same could also be said for his house as it was a simple, small, circular hut, but he had never felt more proud walking through that door then he did that day. "Milah!" Rumpelstiltskin called out, throwing open the front door to find his wife, Milah, busy sewing at the table. "Milah!" He said again, exasperated but sighing in relief to find her there as he would any other day. The raven-haired woman looked up from her work and beamed at her husband. "I'm nearly finished!" She boasted, of course talking about her work. "Aha, you learn quickly!" Rumpelstiltskin commended her jovially, walking briskly to her side at the table. "Well I have a good teacher." Milah replied, setting down the fabric that would make a fair pair of pants in order to receive a kiss from her husband. After kissing his wife, Rumpelstiltskin took a couple steps back to look at Milah, his body practically shaking in excitement. "What is it?" Milah asked, somewhat concerned about the look her husband wore on his face. "What brings you home so early?" "Milah..." Rumpelstiltskin began, unable to hold in a breathy laugh. "...my weaving days are behind us. I've been called to the front!" He said enthusiastically and began to unroll the scroll he had in his hand, showing the summons to his wife. Written across the scroll in big letters was his name, and below that 'You Have Been Drafted Into The King's Army'. Rumpelstiltskin set the scroll down on the table for his wife to look over, however her face did not hold the same amount of excitement that his had. She read the summons over and over again, her hand slightly trembling trying to keep the parchment flat. "The Ogre's war..." She said after a few silent moments. Rumpelstiltskin clapped his hands together and took a few jig-like steps in his excitement. "I report for training in the morning!" He sing-songed. "No! Rumpel...I've heard stories!" Milah protested, bringing Rumpelstiltskin out of his boyish grin. "The front...it's a brutal place!" "Ahh yeah, I know, I know. I-I can't say that I-I won't be frightened..." Rumpelstiltskin took a seat at the small table by his wife and gently took her hand in his. "But this is the chance I've been waiting for...all my life! You know, I've lived under the shadow of my father's actions for too long now..." "Just because your father was a coward, it doesn't mean you are!" Milah protested immediately. "Ah I know that, as do you! But to the world; fighting in this war finally gives me the chance to prove that to everyone else." Rumpelstiltskin responded quickly and gave his wife's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "Go." Milah then said, unable to hold back a smile as she looked her husband in his gorgeous, deep brown eyes. "Be brave. Fight...honorably..." Rumpelstiltskin breathed out a heavy sigh of relief. "Oh God I love you- "-I love you too!" Milah finished, both now beaming at the other, basking in the glow that their love had created during the moment. Milah rested her hand on his chest, her eyes searching his as if trying to read his thoughts, though she already had a good idea of what was on his mind. "When you return, we can start living a life we've always dreamed of. We can have a-" "-a family!" Rumpelstiltskin jumped in, finishing her sentence with her. The two shared a breathy laugh and met their lips once more over the table. If Rumpelstiltskin was to leave in the morning, then Milah planned on making the most of the time she had with him, unknowing if he would even be able to return to her after the war.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumpelstiltskin pulled himself from his thoughts before they got away with his mind. He stood up from his bed and neatly folded the blanket, returning it to it's natural place on the nightstand. For a moment, he looked at the blanket with a soft expression until recent events caught up with his mind and his cold eyes narrowed. Heather had been in his room, and he intended to never let that happen again. Rolling up the cuffs on his crimson red poet shirt, Rumpelstiltskin hurriedly walked from his room to find his nosy apprentice, using a simple magic spell that made her footprints glow so as he could follow them to the bedroom she chose for the night. He didn't even bother knocking when he came to the door and instead flicked his wrist, forcing the door to open magically and a bit forcefully. His cold eyes happened upon her almost immediately, finding her nose in the spell book he had given her earlier as she had made herself comfortable on her bed. "You!" The Imp seethed through his blackening teeth, pointing a twisted finger at her. "You...you were in my room dearie!" He chided angrily. Heather was startled when he suddenly came in, and she snapped out of her concentration when he chided her angrily. She politely answered him, remaining as calm as she could, "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know I entered your room. I'll make sure to avoid entering your room from here on out," Rumpelstiltskin's finger twitched, as if begging to do some amount of magic to the girl that would most certainly show her a lesson in sticking her nose in places it didn't belong, however the deal that he had made with her counterpart stopped him from doing so, and so he jabbed his finger at her angrily, accentuating him pointing at her. "Don't let it happen again." He threatened after finally coming up with the words to speak to her with and turned to leave from her threshold. Heather could feel Evelyn smirk in her mind and hear her laughter in regards to the deal she made with Rumpelstiltskin. Heather nodded at his threat to show she took it seriously. When he turned though, she asked politely "If you don't mind me asking...who is Baelfire?" She figured she might as well ask since he knew that she went into his room earlier. It was impossible to [u][i]not[/i][/u] notice the baby blanket that was out of place in the grandiose yet gloomy castle. The Dark One froze in his step, his hand still on the threshold of her room, gripping the wood tightly until his knuckles became pale. After a few silent moments, Rumpelstiltskin took the few steps backwards back into her room and propped himself up against the doorway, folding his arms across his chest. He was surprised to learn that, being the second time he had been asked this same question, it seemed to be just [i]that[/i] much easier to talk about. It seemed that even though Belle was gone, a part of her still remained, nestled somewhere deep into his dark heart. "A child." He said simply, for the moment deciding that was all that he wished to reveal to her, however his tongue kept moving. "My child." His eyes fell from Heather to the floor beneath him as if he were ashamed of something. She noticed how he stopped, and she silently swallowed a lump in her throat as he came back and propped himself against the doorway. Instead of casting a spell on her, he simply answered. She could hear pain in his voice as he answered, indicating that he experienced loss when it came to this child. She answered him, "I see..." She could hear Hyde demand mentally to ask for more information, but Jekyll ignored Hyde. Eventually, Hyde said to her in her mind, "[i]Well, if you won't ask, then [b]I[/b] will![/i]" Before Jekyll even knew, her voice acted up according to Evelyn's will and she asked, sounding as though Jekyll was still in control and convincingly so, "Did...something happen to Baelfire?" Jekyll's appearance remained the same as Hyde forced the question out into the open. Rumpelstiltskin looked completely unphased by the question; if anything, he had been expecting it. He kept his eyes on the floor, however, finding it easier to pretend that he was talking out-loud rather than to someone else. "I lost her...a long time ago...along with her mother..." Jekyll swallowed another lump at the answer. Hyde asked Rumpelstiltskin, still pretending that Jekyll was asking "Lost her...How did you lose them?" Jekyll felt terrible. She was probably forcing the imp in front of her to relive the memories as Hyde asked the questions. His face and eyes darkened a bit as he recalled the exact events that answered Heather's question, however he held his tongue this time though he finally looked up from the floor to meet the woman's eyes. "They're gone, not much more to tell dearie." He answered with a casual shrug. He took in a quick breath and pulled himself from his position in the doorway. "Now...if you're done skinning the monster for information, I bid you goodnight." After he answered with a casual shrug, she could tell that he was done answering questions, and she said "I see. My condolences," When he made his comment, she replied as she turned away from him, her back facing him, "Oh don't worry. This monster is done asking questions. Good night, Rumpelstiltskin," The Imp's mouth fell open to immediately correct himself, as she had obviously taken his words the wrong way. He hadn't intended to call her a monster, she was nothing of the sort! He had grown so used to calling himself the monster...the...[i]beast[/i], and being called as such, that he hadn't stopped to think that others might refer to themselves in the same manner...a truth that he wasn't sure he would be able to stomach. He promptly shut his mouth to keep from looking like a fool, though he did manage a few stuttering sounds before he had in obvious protest of her reply. Recovering from that, however, he just let out a soft sigh and without a word, turned to leave the threshold once again, returning to his room for the remainder of the evening. Heather could hear his stutters before he left. She ignored Hyde's cackling that echoed in her mind, as she sat down at her bed and hid her face in her pillow. She couldn't help but remember every single evil deed Hyde had committed the moment Heather called Hyde and herself a monster. Every single injury Hyde gave to others... Every single murder Hyde had committed over the past five years... They all came back to her like a racing horse drawn carriage. She told herself again and again that she was away from the people she cared about and they would be safe from her. But it only made her miss them even more. But even then...even then it seemed that no matter where she went, people would get hurt. Even here, in this entirely new world, Alexandre stood somewhere awaiting execution...and it was all because of her. He wouldn't have insisted staying at The Dark Castle if she hadn't been there...hell, he wouldn't have been there in the first place if he wasn't tasked with bringing her to Rumpelstiltskin. That just went to prove that Dr. Jekyll didn't need to be Evelyn Hyde to harm anyone, and perhaps she was becoming more of the monster than she had initially realized... With those thoughts, she could feel tears come from her eyes and land on the pillow she used to hide her face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hours into the night, Heather was still up, trying to read the contents of the spell book despite the heavy eyelids that threatened to close. She knew very well that Hyde had promised not to take over when she got angry earlier, but that didn't mean she would hold that same promise for when Heather would fall asleep. Heather could feel a headache as the words started to blur. It was clear that her weariness was getting to her. Her head bobbed as she tried to stay awake, and eventually, she found herself in a different landscape. One created by her mind, never noticing as this was happening, all of the lights in the castle were flickering on and off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [i]"Heather...Heather, you really should get some rest," Heather, who found herself sitting in a chair, looked up from staring at the ground to see her friend John Utterson, wearing his nice and prim suit, standing in front of her. She whispered confusedly, "John...? What...?" John chuckled, "Have you been up working again? And you called me a workaholic," He then stood behind her and he whispered into her ear, "Sleep, Heather. Don't worry about anything," Heather shook her head and she answered "I can't...I can't, then [u]she'll[/u] take over," John hushed "You'll be ok, nobody's going to take over. Sleep, Heather. Sleep and let me dream for you. [b]Leave everything to me![/b]" Heather widened her eyes at the last statement in realization and she said "You're her! Get away from me, you're her!" John backed away and walked to stand in front of her, as he spoke in Evelyn's voice, "Well, OF COURSE it's me, Sister! Who else lives inside of your head?" He then nodded to herself in John's body and she asked "But don't I scrub up nice?" She continued, gradually changing her voice back to John's "Just let go...Let me dream for you. Rest, Heather..." Heather shouted "Stop it!" Evelyn recoiled from the shout and replied in her voice "My, my! That was uncalled for, sister!" Heather growled at Evelyn, "Don't you speak in his voice! Don't you dare speak in ANY of their VOICES!" Evelyn sneered "What's so special about them? Annoying lawyer, old fart butler, and irritating scientist!" She then mocked John in his own voice, "Don't listen to Victor, he's just an arse! Oh Heather, you're brilliant! Oh Heather, you're amazing!" She then asked in her own voice "Don't you get sick of that shit?" She then chuckled and said "He met me, you know. Looked riiiight at me, and he didn't see you. Sherlock Holmes with only an eighth of a brain," Heather covered her ears and she begged "Stop it! Stop!" Evelyn sneered "Why?! What's the big deal sister?! I'm serious! What. Is. The. Big. Deal with the people you are so willing to abandon, just to protect them?" Before Heather could even answer, Evelyn looked up from Heather and she smirked saying coyly, still in John's body with his voice this time, "Oh wait, someone's here to see you," It was at this time that Alexandre seemed to slink out from the shadows. At least...it looked like Alexandre. His hair was dirty and greasy, splayed about in an unkempt manner. His bright blue eyes, usually full of life, were dull and dead, with heavy bags underneath them. His clothes, too, were tattered and worn, rife with patches and tears in the fabric. "Why'd you do it, Heather?" He asked her despairingly, yet his face showed no change in expression. "I trusted you. Thought you were a friend...but now-" he lifted his arms up, clutching both sides of his head. With a single tug, it separated itself from the rest of his body. No blood, no noise, nothing but silence. "Now we're *all* mad here." He finished cryptically. Heather widened her eyes at the sight of Alexandre appearing in front of her, and in a ghastly state. She whispered "Alexandre...? But...what...?" Soon he started speaking, and every word felt like a piercing knife stabbed her heart. She widened her eyes and tears started to flow down her face when he tore his own head off of his own neck. She lowered her head and she whimpered "Stop it! Alexandre, I'm so sorry...!" She cried, before she looked back up towards Evelyn with a glare, who was smirking with amusement, and she spoke angrily "You wanted to know what the big deal is? You're in my own head! Why don't you see for yourself?!" Evelyn blinked at the answer and before Heather knew it, Evelyn was down on her knees, and Heather could see tears pour down Evelyn's face. Evelyn asked with a snarl "Wh-What?! What is this, Jekyll?!" Heather answered coldly "Something that you're not ready for, and will never be ready for, you monstrous child! I will not let what happened to Alexandre happen to anyone else I meet! Even if it means being alone for the rest of my life, I won't allow anyone to get hurt! EVER AGAIN!" After that the scenery and Evelyn and Alexandre, both faded into darkness, and Jekyll lost consciousness.[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------- In the real world, Jekyll had fallen asleep on the bed, with the book nearby. The lights had stopped flickering and remained on, as though to show that Jekyll had won for now. Hyde didn't seem to make any attempt to take over the body and wreak havoc this night.