Hey, everybody! I'm Fearless, the new guy, and here's my CS for the game: [b]Name:[/b] Crux Hesiod [i][Pronounced like “Crew”][/i] [b]Age:[/b] Undefined [i][Observably late 20’s-early 30’s][/i] [b]Space Sector:[/b] 0038 [b]Homeworld:[/b] New Genesis [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, meditative, and the only thing quicker than his mind is his wit. [b]Experience:[/b] 8 months [b]Constructs:[/b] • Nanorobotic swarm • Energy blast aimed through optic visor • Hover Harness [i][Emulated off of Orion][/i] [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_medium/4/49448/1371525-orion.jpg]{PIC}[/url] • Source Wall [i][For defensive posture][/i] • Takion [i][A blinding, scorching construct][/i] [b]Former Occupation:[/b] Scientific Researcher [b]Alien Power:[/b] Technopathy [i][Able to telepathically communicate with and control a wide variety of technology, robotic lifeforms and sufficiently-advanced computers included, though more rudimentary tech often eludes his prowess][/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [i](Courtesy of K_L)[/i] [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/CruxAlt_zps482cafbb.png] [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Born to the New Gods of New Genesis, Crux seemed to be destined for greatness. Possessing a keen scientific mind, a genius even by the impossibly high standards of the New Gods, Crux was apprenticed to Himon and quickly proved himself as one of the top intellects on the planet and set about advancing the cause of New Genesis against their eternal enemies, Apokolips. As Crux grew older, though, he began to resent his work. There was no real movement on either side of the conflict between New Genesis and Apokolips. Crux began to fear that his research and endeavors were for nothing, all useless. Within Crux burned a deep desire to incite true change, to make a difference regardless of the obstacles before him. His opportunity came with a glowing Power Ring, relinquished by Kraken. Kraken had been a Green Lantern before Crux, a former dreg of Apokolips who, inspired by the example set by Green Lantern Raker Qarrigat, was rewarded for her hope with her own Green Lantern power ring. She joined Raker in his crusade for a time before being selected as an Alpha-Lantern. This conversion from organic to synthetic-organic hybrid proved to be her undoing, as her mind was made hollow and thus easier to manipulate by those on the other side of the war. It was never made clear to Crux what the fallout was from this infiltration- the information was never freely offered and Crux never felt compelled to ask. What was clear was this: Crux was offered a chance to become a true hero to his people, to take the fight to Apokolips on his terms with his tech and, hopefully someday, free the lowlies from the tyrannical rule of Darkseid. Crux readily accepted the power ring, and his induction into the galactic peacekeeping force sparked a renewed motivation that resulted in some of the most innovative and powerful technology New Genesis had seen since the Mother Box. [b]Notes:[/b] • The subject of his eyes/visor is a sore subject, particularly why he never removes it even off-duty. • He has been quietly working on a way of integrating Mother Box technology to work in conjunction with his Power Ring, but so far has had little success. This goes against the wishes of both the New Gods and the Guardians of the Universe.