Genevieve looked up as Aeden stormed into the room. Precautions? Why? An object was given to her and she studied it with curiousity. She was then being moved to a different room through several different corridors. She couldn't stand this confusion from him. Did he expect her to just follow him blindly like this? "Stop!" She exclaimed, pulling his arm back roughly by grabbing his hand tighter, "Would you please explain to me exactly what the [i]hell[/i] is going on!? For the love of god Aeden you can't just cart me around like this!" The words burst out of her mouth and it didn't slightly register that she had cussed. She took a deep and calming breath before letting go of his arm. "Now. It is time for that explaining, hmm?" She crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall obviously awaiting the reasons as to which she was being carted around for no apparent reason.