Aeden flinched at the outburst. He whipped his head around, listening to make sure nobody had heard or was approaching. Thankfully, it seemed that they were still alone. Looking at his charge, he knew that he owed her something, anything to explain the situation, but there wasn't a lot he could say to her just yet, especially if the situation was not quite as bad as he feared. Still, there was no way she would go with him like this, and he really couldn't blame her. He moved to Genevieve and placed his hands on her shoulders, whispering urgently. "Princess, please. I can't tell you everything right now, but those men from before are not good news at this time. I need you to trust me, we need to keep as far away from them as possible." Looking back down the corridor, he listened carefully again before turning back to her. "Please tell me that they haven't seen you yet at any point."