Genevieve rolled her eyes, "No. They haven't." She hated being kept in the dark about anything that involved her. Especially when it seemed like it might actually be something of importance, "The 'tell me everything part' needs to come soon or you will have a royally pissed of woman on your hands." She paused, "I'm a spoiled brat and I usually get what I want, Aeden. Don't forget that." She shrugged his hands off of her shoulders. As he ushered her down the corridor she thought about a few things. If this were very serious why had her mother sent her to Aeden? And why did Aeden seem to know everything about the situation? She thought back to the fact that he had always been her shadow. Thats it! She connected all of the dots then. He had always watched out for her and given her advice when she needed it. He had been a friend to her when she had no one to call 'friend'. He was meant to watch over her and to protect her. She had no idea of what she needed protecting from, but she would find out soon. Even if it meant not listening to her best friend and seeking out her mother or father.