[Center][B]Sotoki, Airi[/B][/Center] --- The lights that Airi had been seeing for a while now was getting larger and larger as they ran. "Hey..." she called to Sotoki "What is.. huff.. it...?" he had been running for a long time, maybe it had been half an hour too. "I didn't feel the need to tell you this earlier but... I keep seeing lights, blue lights there." Airi pointed in front. "Huh? Why didn't you tell me that? That was really important. Those could have been people." and much better if they were people in the shrine. "Ehehe... Sorry." Then she was hit on the head lightly by Sotoki. Sotoki continued to run towards where Airi had said to have blue lights, though a little bit slower. Running without stop, Sotoki felt his legs giving out, but he didn't mind it. It had been a wobbly ride for Airi too, she noticed what was happening to Sotoki "Fujisaki-san... You can put me down now." she said to her. Sotoki nodded then they stopped. As he putted Airi to her feet, he suddenly felt alerted "Wait." Going in front of Airi, he focused his eyes to the front, to the left, to the right "Something's... I think I just saw something..." then all his attention was brought in front. Far from them, up a hill, he could see something going towards them in high speeds. Only barely, he could see something red on a... dog? "W-What...?" the girl behind her gasped "I-I could see three lights... Red...?" Sotoki's eyes enlarged "I have a bad feeling about this!" he quickly grabbed her hand and ran towards the blue lights that Airi said she saw. Sure enough, she could run on two feet again, Sotoki felt assured. Feeling concerned about the lights, Airi looked behind, but she could no longer see them 'I hope that was just my imagination...' but she can't help but think that it wasn't as it she saw them clearly. Soon enough, they arrived at some long stairs. They stopped and catched their breath "Hah... Hah... We're here...!" Airi felt the happiest "Huff... Grandmother..." she quickly stepped on the stairs and started going up. Sotoki just followed and didn't object as Airi looked like she really wanted to go up right away. 'Her grandmother huh...' then they continued to climb. Airi see the lights now, there were at least eleven of them. Blink. Did one just flicker? Airi had a bad feeling. She hurried up some more, and Sotoki had wondered why? But he already had a reason in mind, Sotoki hopes it wasn't as he thought though. --- [Center][B]Nikko[/B][/Center] --- Nikko was about to tell the ents to attack the wraiths when Harashi woke up and told them to move "Huh? Ah. Alright." he moved back with Yuriko while he kept his naginata ready. Harashi removed the ring, which is his artifact, and it turned to the great sword. He slashed one of the wraiths, then many of the monsters attacked him afterwards "Look out!" he called to him, but then some other monsters had went to Nikko and Yuriko. Raising the naginata, he slashed it down and defeated one of them, but that wasn't the only one, more had come to take them down. However, two of the ents came to their rescue as they fought off the monsters. Nikko and Yuriko walked backwards some more until they had bumped to the other ent "Oh. It's the ent..." then he felt the energy once more. 'What is this?' then four wraiths went straight to the two. Nikko guarded Yuriko as he wished deeply for something to defeat these all as he cannot do it with the naginata alone, he had no knowledge on using the spear. Then that's when it happened "H-Huh? Branches?" Four sharp branches stretched out from behind the two and killed the spirits. Quickly, he looked at where these came from and he saw that these were from the ent. He didn't know what happened. Did he do that? It was only him that could have done it. 'Was it...?' he touched the ent one more time and that's when he finally saw that the reason he feels the energy flowing was because when he touches the ent, their energies had kind of merged and flowed together. Well, that was what it looked like as he had felt the flow on his hand. Then he tried to think like he did before one more time. He deeply wished for the branches to return, and that was what happened. The energy flowing was felt by him again when the branches moved. "I learned something new again..." he mumbled. "Yuriko, sorry for scaring you." he just thought that maybe she was startled when the branches came out. Looking at Harashi, he had defeated all those that assaulted him as he went and knocked on an ent before going inside their circle of protection. "You're actually powerful, huh." said Nikko. He closed his eyes then tried to feel anything, but he had only felt six presences and that would be him, Yuriko, Harashi, and the ents. "We are safe for now." then he looked at the path that they came from "We should wait for Hideki and Yoshimi first... It would be risky, but we have to." he suggested.