"Hrmph." Connor grunted, the growing pain in his body fading. "I'll see what I can do." Connor raised a long, thick arm to his back, feeling over the wound with his fingers. It seemed to have completely disappeared. There were still some faults located around his arms and legs, but the Dracoavian had done a great patch up job on him. He might as well return the favor before it gets shot or bleeds out. It's speech pattern already seemed to be slightly slurred, it's rather eyes heavy and milky. Connor stared at the dragon and the Phoenix fighting in midair. Connor tread toward the two, who quickly soared past his head, an aerial battle. The Phoenix sent a broiling fireball toward the dragon. The sphere of glowing white flames exploded upon contact with the dragon's head, singing it's and burn marks already appearing. [i]You're already in too deep.[/i] His subconscious whispered to him. [i]Just leave now. You're in the forest already, you're safer now Han in the city, you have to go East [b]now.[/b][/i] Connor hesitated. Usually, Connor wouldn't quite be the one to hesitate. He would usually quickly agree, as long as what he had to do was fair and he had the time for it. But that was before the damn apocalypse of walking blobs of jello. Connor held back, but soon decided that his subconscious could go right ahead and screw itself. He picked up a small, young pine tree, feeling the rough bark cracking and groaning under his grip. He raised it, gripping it tight with both hands. The dragon swooped by again, and he swung at the air. However, he missed, and the dragon soared past him, trailing after the Phoenix. The phoenix's fiery orange plume and the dragon's rouge scales made the pair look like a flickering flame flying from an even hotter ember. Connor readied the pine tree again. Trees were always handy when trying to hit something. They were tough, thick, and durable, and always helped to extend the arm. He swung the pillar of wood again, and this time, he felt the prickly leaves of the evergreen bending to the dragon. He managed to just barely damage one wing, and the dragon seemed to momentarily lose control of it's speed. It did a couple of lazy loops on the air before returning to it's more regular flying. However, it decided to get back at Connor by swooping by his hip, leaving a long claw mark across it before returning to it's chase for the Phoenix,