[Note: originally [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Power_Manipulation]Meta Power Manipulation[/url] came up, but that seemed way too OP.] While his name defies typical superhero nomenclature, randomness being favoured above derivation from their goals or powers, the hilariously-named "The Zump" is nonetheless a foe that the evils of the world should fear. All that is known about his original identity is that he was a petty criminal, a man who leant close to the dark and criminal side of the human psyche himself, and he utilises this as he fights to protect the world from men like the man he used to be. The Zump's prior criminality was a product of a bad childhood. When his father abandoned him, taking his brother away too, The Zump was left to care for his sick and eventually abusive mother on his own. Struggling to cope in such a toxic environment, he was desperate for friendship and companionship - a fact that the criminal underworld in his area was all too happy to exploit. They befriended him, and his undying gratefulness and loyalty allowed them to use him, and to twist him away from the path of the light. When his mother died, they took him in, and his transformation was complete. He became a criminal in his own right, raised to have a backwards and confusing moral code of his own that told him that he was right to attack society - for none believe themselves to be evil, only to be acting by a different moral compass. He gained his powers when attempting a heist - the armed robbery of a scientific laboratory deep in the bowels of the earth, as an unaware henchman of another supervillain. He was injured in the raid, thrown through the glass wall of some bizarre machine, and, living up to their mercenary reputations, his comrades abandoned him to die or be imprisoned. While down there, locked in the depths, in the darkness, something occurred - something terrible, for those who found him later rumour that his mouth was bloody from a throat stripped raw by screaming. He was purged of his criminal intent, either through supernatural force or through an epiphany that his "friends" had never really cared about him and a subsequent rejection of their twisted philosophy. It turned out that the machine he had been thrown into, glass and metal piercing his body, was designed as an experimental way to transfer consciousness into machines - and, though it was only in testing stages before it was broken, it had worked on The Zump, giving him the power of [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Bionic_Surrogacy]Bionic Surrogacy[/url]. Something else had happened to him, however. Either as a conscious, cruel play on the darkness of his criminal mind prior to the incident, or a result of being trapped in the pitch darkness below the Earth's crust while he was changed, when he emerged from the darkness, a part of it stayed with him. A shadow lurked over his soul, a constant reminder of his past evils and of the fear of the dark he had felt during his ordeal, and along with this sliver of shade constantly piercing his heart he gained the ability to [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Umbrakinetic_Whip_Generation]manipulate shadow into whips[/url] - and only, specifically whips, a reminder of the cringing, dutiful, obeying dog he had been to the criminals who had once used him. Now, The Zump fights for both the right and wrong reasons. Both personal revenge and a need to rectify his past wrongdoings motivate him beyond the simple call of justice and altruism that many superheroes feel in defeating evil. Regardless of whether he is doing it for the right reasons, however, he fights for the side of good, now - and any criminal should fear his wrath. . [b]EDIT: I was bored and avoiding going shopping, don't judge me.[/b] D: