The tech-priest found the ride annoyingly turbulent, largely due to a lack of airtight containers on top of the already rough sees. Given a few more minutes to prepare and she could have made the raft more seaworthy, but no: the instant it was put together they had to set off. Given even longer and she could probably have cannibalised the escape pod even further to give it some sort of rudimentary propulsion other than using a chainaxe as an [i]ore[/i]. It was a good thing that she kept oil on her person, rather than in supplies, because otherwise... "You know of the Omnissiah?" the tech-priest asked the man, curious but then quickly turned back to the generator. Hm, there was a distinct lack of light... and she hardly wanted people to be stumbling around here looking for something so volatile in the dark. This would require a little emergency alteration. Her combi-tool was put to life removing some panels from the rear of the generator, exposing where the power left the machine. It was a good thing she had so many electricity related implants and training: she could simply wire herself into the machine for the time being and, until promethium was definitely found... ... there was all the power they needed to turn this pathetic station on.