[quote=psychopathickids] Far more nonsensical than having up to thirty sub actions in a turn that's supposed to cover an entire season, sure. Have fun with that micromanagement nightmare. The point of my solution is that you don't have to spend hours strategizing up to (apparently) thirty posts worth of tactics and maneuvers to either catch up to raiders or, on the flip, raid without being murdered by a vassal's host, not to be realistic, which if you had been paying attention you would have picked up on by now. Also, your contingencies for raiding houses? Do try not to get your head blown off, and keep in mind that anyone whose information on doing anything illegal worth trusting will not be found spouting their immature little finger mouths off on the internet about it. <3 [/quote] I think he was referring to Houses as in the IC sense of the word e.g manors. Also thank you for the earlier compliment about my nation, that is what I had in mind when I made it. As far as your argument goes, I think it's a good idea to remember Flooby is still making the rules. He probably threw together the rules on raiding quite quickly, so I wouldn't take them as the final version.