Though she knew that Baudrii couldn't hear her, Clotho performed a wry, slow clap within the silent Compound of Eyes. Just as she'd predicted, Scutra failed her. While the other imps had more or less done their job, the construct had proved himself unable to lead and take responsibility. To a degree, Clotho regretted having to kill him, but with his demise Clotho could create a less flawed construct with less of the energy and attention it would have taken to make a new one. At some point during the struggle, the Macula perched on Baudrii's chest had been hit, and though its eye wasn't damaged, it was wounded enough that its eye glazed over somewhat. She suspected it was dying, and would soon be unable to afford her a decent view. With the skirmish complete, however, there was no reason to continue watching, and Clotho rose to her feet and left the Compound of Eyes. Before making a construct, there were other things to attend to. The supply barge had been only one of the lifelines of Virens; there was a hydroponic area a few miles south of the city, situated in a fertile, damp basin that had been a lake before the Biomancers had redirected its flow years ago, that produces vast quantities of rice, leek, and asparagus. To really put the pressure on Virens, this farmland would have to be destroyed. For this, Clotho didn't need any assistance but her own. Spurred on a a favorable breeze, she flew southwest and arrived at the fields within the hour and from her lofty position surveyed the place. It didn't take long to locate the channel through which the lake was once fed. An incredibly dense mangrove copse, obviously grown by Biomancers, blocked most of the water flow and forced it to pass the basin by, rejoining with the Saploya river a half-mile away. With a plan forming in mind, the Swarm Keeper descended. Ignored by the farmers, who were far too busy in the thigh-deep, substrate-filled water to notice her, Clotho landed a few feet away from the mangroves. The Macula that had been assigned to this area wormed its way out of the thick roots and approached her, chirping. Clotho let out a keening chirp of her own, and in a few moments the air and ground around her were thick with insects. She indicated the mangroves with a tilt of her head and the hordes of bugs descended upon the trees, devouring them with frightening voracity. It was a joyful sight to Clotho; while insects, the most numerous animals on the planet, were usually too dispersed to make a real difference, her command could focus their minuscule, individual efforts to devastating effect. The copse began to creak and crackle, with more and more muddy water starting to bleed from between the intertwining roots. Finally, the living barrier was so weak that the pent-up water behind it suddenly exploded through it, washing away bugs, leaves, and roots alike. The muddy tide cascaded down its old riverbed and washed into the basin, where it would drown crop and human alike. Clotho sighed smugly and held out a hand for the Macula to grab. With the little spy on board, the Swarm Keeper made her way back to her dungeon, stopping only to hear the morbid cries of the farmers horrified by their hard work laid to waste. Once back at the King Tree dungeon, Clotho dropped off the Macula -literally- and fetched a Myrmidon instead. On the way to the Heart, she was disturbed by the arrival of Baudrii, and after a quick inspection of the loot she sent it on its way. A quick interview determined that the elderly man he had captured was none other than Rammel Vitreus, an alchemist frequented by the family of Theo and an old acquaintance of hers. “Small world, isn't it?” she remarked to the terrified man and his young assistant, usually so full of life. “Having grown up poor yourself, you never turned away even the lowliest customers. People such as you are hard to find. It seems my problem has been solved for me; you two will take over my Apothecary and be treated with every courtesy. Baudrii, see that the food and supplies are sent with them. The rest of you I have no use for except to be recycled into biomatter.” With that, she and the selected Myrmidon continued on to the Heart, where Clotho injected her and began making her into a Construct. [hider=Status] Myrmidon Construct 0/3 Location: Dungeon Dungeon: Jungle north of Saploya River, N16°W12° An nearly complete, vast hive spanning the length, width, and height of a massive, ancient tree in the jungle. The hive itself is constructed of a magically-created liquid that expands and hardens into a stiff, paperlike substance upon exposure to air. The main body of the hive is suspended by countless support struts that reach for hundreds of feet in every direction. The Dungeon Heart is situated at the very top of the tree. Bugs called Macula infest it, functioning as living security cameras and alarms. Currently has: Dungeon Heart, Myrmidon Spawner. Living Foundry, Apothecary, Macula infestation, Compound of Eyes Forces: 30 Drone Imps, 94 Myrmidons, 35 Antlions, Adjunct Baudrii, alchemist Rammel Vitreus, alchemical assistant Kayla Oakhurst [/hider]