[Center][b]Marvin Walters-South West[/b][/Center] Marvin, upon seeing the APC, started moving forward towards it. He had a thought, and was about to tell the others to rescue the people in the APC, but he was beaten to the punch it seems. Regardless, he decided to provide covering fire to them while they did so. The Narrow Beam Laser wasn't nearly as good at that as the minigun, but it would have to do for now. He used his speakers again and said in a stoic tone "Liam, I'm gonna distract those wolves. If I'm successful, I think they're probably going to charge straight at us. If that happens, I want you ready with that Assault Rifle to shoot these things down before they get to us. If they go for the other two, just run up and distract them so that the soldiers can get the men in the APC out. As for me...it's time to go hunting." Not bothering to wait for a response, Marvin headed towards the wolves. His intention was to get close enough to the wolves to have a clear shot, however he also wanted to be far enough away to avoid provoking the wolves before firing. Still, he knew that he'd have to be a certain distance close to them in order to have a reasonable visibility to them and be in range of his weapon. Hoping that his gamble would work, he pulled a green lever and In seconds, a thud sound came from his legs, as knobs about 6 inches thick and 2 feet wide clamped down onto the ground. Part of the screen lit up, showing a screen showing "WEAPONS READY", indicating that his weapons platform gyro was ready to fire. He took a deep breath, and aimed his mech's left arm towards the wolf that seemed closest to the two rescuers and waited. A few seconds later, and a red window flashed on screen, indicating a weapons lock. He pulled the trigger, allowing the blue beam to hurtle towards the wolf at the speed of light...at least he thought it was that speed. Then he swiftly readied to fire more shots when the wolves inevitably moved.