(It's fine.) Despite the serious situation, Aeden couldn't help a small chuckle under his breath. "And that's exactly what's made my job so much easier up till now," he mumbled, not intending for the princess to hear. "To be fair, there are probably a couple of them that think the same way about humans." He finally pulled out a small pouch, which he slipped into his pocket along with a few folded pieces of paper before shoving the box back under the bed and turning to Genevieve. "Well, I'm sure the ears and such probably gave it away, but those men didn't exactly look human, did they? And if they were here with good news, their king would have likely sent word before their arrival." He stopped there and looked down at the floor for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Unfortunately, it would appear that their king is now dead. Along with the rest of the royal family." He looked up at her for a moment and went to the door, listening through the wood before cracking it open to look out while mumbling to himself. "Almost." He returned to her, handing her a sheathed dagger. "I need to go get her majesty. Nobody should be looking here, but there's no reason not to be cautious. I'll let you know it's me before I enter, but don't open the door otherwise." He started towards the door, looking cautiously around the hallway before slipping off to the main part of the castle again. [i]I have a terrible feeling about all of this. Even if they don't know, perhaps it is best to move now, before they figure it out.[/i]