[Robert] "Ugh, fine, what do you want to ask?" I ask the blob guy. I then realize that there are two things here whose name I don't know. Some sort of falcon-cheetah gryphon, and the blobby guy. "Um... if you were going to ask my name, I'm Robert. Oh, and, new guy, don't worry, I won't attack you unless you attack me." I said that last part because it looked as though the new guy was scared of us. Given that he was about half my height, that was fairly reasonable. [i]Man, if Chance didn't storm off earlier, I'm sure he'd be jealous. peregrine falcons are his favorite bird, and cheetahs are his favorite big cat. I kinda wonder what's up with his wing... maybe I should bandage that, or something.[/i] I think as I look around in my bag to check for any bandages. Luckily, I still had the first aid kit that my mother gave to me on my first day of school... what a worrywart, but, at least it came in handy, as it seemed to have some bandages in it. No, not the usual 'band aid' kind, but the kind that's actually used in hospitals. There was some tape in there, as well. I took the roll of bandages, and the tape out of the box, and, as per usual for wounds that a band-aid wouldn't cover, wrapped a bit of it around the torn part of the wing, and taped the end so it wouldn't fall off so easily. "So, before we go, if anyone has any questions, just ask away... though, I'm not entirely sure if I can answer them," I say to everyone as I wait next to the portal, ready for any questions. --- [Tony] I tried to stay seated as the golem moved from his spot, and smashed the dragon with a tree. During the short period during which he wasn't moving, I tried to heal my own wounds with that weird light magic. Somehow, it seemed to actually be working, heck, I even got a shot off on the dragon's good wing... though, that didn't seem to be enough to ground the thing, unfortunately. He then decided it was best to breathe fire all over me, which actually hurt quite a bit, with my flammable feathers only helping my enemy's attack. I could have sworn I was bald by the time the attack was finished, and might have been done for had I not healed myself. "Agh... I know fire usually hurts, but enough to nearly kill me? That doesn't seem right." I think out loud as I try to not attack as much, just to make sure I don't take another one of those attacks again. I then started to heal myself again, though, it was a much slower process than it was last time. I hoped that it wasn't due to my strength depleting, which, due to the attack, might very well be true. The dragon, seeing that I was weak at the moment, then started to fly in for the kill. This wasn't good, and I knew I was too tired to dodge... thankfully, I was still sitting on a giant golem... perhaps he'd help me out here? I certainly hoped, but even if he was going to help, my life still flashed before my eyes as that dragon flew towards me, teeth gleaming in the sunlight, and eyes that matched its actions in their evil look... this wouldn't end well if I was still on my own.