Name: Ken Hall Age: 19 Height: 6'1'' Weight: 153 lb Looks: [img=] Crime: He would knock people unconscious and put them in large holes, then when they woke up, he poured blood in the holes, so that the blood was up to their necks. after a while of them sitting in the blood, he would cut off their arms and let them die. History: Ken was born and raised as an only child. When he was six, his father mother and father were murdered, and this scarred Ken, making him insane. He was then raised in an orphanage, that was abusive and would beat him and make him do physical labor for hours every day, causing him to slowly go into insanity. Finally, when he turned nineteen, he knocked random people, who were unlucky enough to walk by his alleyway, unconscious, and he would take them and put them in holes. Then, he would go and kidnap random people, and murder them. He would then steal their blood. He took buckets of blood at a time and go back to the people in the holes, where he would pour the blood into the hole, and it would go up to their necks. He would leave them there for hours, and then he would cut there arms off, causing them to feel intense pain, and then die. He was eventually found when he had knocked a lady unconscious while a police was watching, making him end up in The Colosseum . Specialty: He's good with knives, cleavers, basically anything sharp and melee. He's also very fast and swift. His insanity makes him do crazy things.