Colette Colette panted when she finally saw the fight over, she allowed her bat ally to vanish before falling to her knees, her dress was torn and she was bleeding in several parts of her bod. She stood up steadily and made her way slowly back to her dorm holding her shoulder wound which was the deepest. "Man if I don't get back soon this blood loss will cause me to become even hunger which I fear for since I never been so wounded" she said looking down at her dress which was completely torn up "And I might have to make a new outfit for me" she said to herself again. She smiled when she made it to the tower and went upstairs landing on her bed her bat pets nuzzling her whining at seeing such wounds on her small body, she patted them lightly wincing. "I will be fine as long as I stay here and heal the best I can" she said her eyes looking up at the dull ceiling with a sigh