Patricia looked around at the other denizens of the cocktail party, sipping her piña colada. While she enjoyed her drink, she couldn't help but be bored with everyone just standing around, talking. She'd rather be out somewhere, climbing a mountain, biking down a hill, SOMETHING to get a little adrenaline pumping through her veins. She sighed. Well, at least it was a for a good cause, raising awareness so all these fat cats would donate to the charity hosting the party, [i]Another Path[/i]. The charity provided education and support to orphans in the Philadelphia area, so that they wouldn't be pushed towards a life of crime and violence. But still, if it weren't for the alcohol, Patricia would be pulling her hair out because of a lack of anything better to do. Looking across the room, however, she was met with the sight of a rugged, attractive looking man with a lovely jet black tuxedo and tie. Patricia downed the rest of her piña colada, got another cocktail, and walked over. Maybe this night wouldn't be so boring after all. --- Nature: The weather is sunny, not much stuff happening out of the ordinary. Police: Again, nothing out of the ordinary.