[center]❁ - Zero - ❁[/center] Even at the sudden creak of the faintest sound, Zero shot up from her nightmare filled sleep, pain seared throughout her body but it's effects were normal to her by this point. [i]Damn these nightmares....and damn this pain...[/i] Zero thought in anger as she stood up, her vision blurry due to the faction that all of this pain was just being projected onto her because of the flower that grew from the place of her right eye. As much as she wanted to rip out the flower from her right eye, it would only either stay there or regrow into a new flower to take it's place, and she knew how much of a parasite this flower was in reality. "Hey, dummy! Get over here!" Zero shouted out to call over her dragon, Mikhail. She would just call him by his real name, but didn't want to as he was only a young dragon and not a fully matured one like her previous dragon Michael. However, there was no response that could come from the whiny dragon, which meant that he probably wandered off again like she specifically told him not to. "...idiot...I don't have time to look for him, but he's probably my own tool against my sisters besides my own sword...." Zero groaned as she began to search for the young dragon, eventually finding [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/032/7/7/drakengard_3_mikhail_by_armachamcorp-d74p4aa.jpg]Mikhail[/url] not too far from their campsite. "What are you doing over here dummy? We need to get going to find the other Intoners," Zero crossed her arms as she spoke to the dragon in an unamused tone. "Look Zero! Is that one of those summons that your sisters has? It's so weird looking," Mikhail pointed out in the far horizon that they would be able to see some kind of metallic drone attacking some location that wasn't that close to their own location. "As much as I know my sisters, it would be something that One would have, but it's not like any dragon or demon I've seen before. It's none of our business anyways dummy, let's get going with our mission," Zero wasn't actually focused on that, and began to head the opposite direction from the drone. Mikhail only sighed and followed his master. --- [center]▶ - Quote - ◀[/center] In the sky, a very comical yellow star could be seen in the sky, as if it were a shooting star from a cartoon. However, instead of going in one straight direction like common shooting starts, the star was moving around in many erratic and unnatural directions. It wouldn't be possible to see what was exactly up with that star if someone tried to look at it from the ground level, but up close, a blue puffy creature with an orange hat was riding the star. "This. Is. The. Hypest. Shit. Ever!!!" Quote shouted out as loud as he can as he was taking this Warp Star copy for a test run, since he had just created this copy with his paintbrush. At this point, he flew across the sky of this world without a damn care, like he was in his own little world within his mind. --- [center]✦ - Thyela - ✦[/center] Silently, she hid inside a bush as she watched these three figures. Honestly, Thyela had no idea what she was doing in the first place, but ever since she had defected from the Spirit World due to her corruption with the Shadow Replicas, she didn't have much to do. All she had to do, was go and see what these people were up to, maybe see if she could let her corrupted state go loose for the shits and giggles.