[center]▶ - Quote - ◀[/center] The strange star in the sky kept on doing it's erratic and illogical dance, and it was nearing the state that it would crash down to the ground pretty soon. Heading straight down for the ground with no implications for a proper landing, the star crashes down to the ground with enough force that would rival the largest meteor, and it's crash site wasn't too far off to what appeared to be some work-in-progress building (Cupa's location). Just seconds before the crash, a brief yell of "FUCK!" could be heard in contrast to the normal sounds of a landed meteor. Coming out of the crater created from the strange star, a blue puffball creature that was no taller than 2ft hopped out, readjusting his orange hat and holding what seemed to be a green paintbrush. With the fact that he is completely fine after a crash that probably started from outside the atmosphere, Quote was fine and oblivious that there was at least someone that would notice him straight away.