[b]Ava was completely floored by Andreios' attitude, even moreso by the way his attitude seemed to have completely flipped. He seemed to be brash & much more passionate before, much different than the mild-tempered man he was earlier that day. What brought this change about him so suddenly? All Ava knew was that she felt like she could trust Andreios, or that she should. It was that intuition of hers again, & she was fairly wrong about her gut feelings. "[i]Ave[/i]?" the young woman asked breathlessly, as the two neared her bedroom, "Master Andreios, have you called me that before?" Ava rooted her heels into the ground just inside the entrance of her room, blocking the doorway with her body. Once again, deja vu was knawing at her insistently, refusing to let up. There was no way that the last time she met Andreios was when they were children. But why didn't she remember it? Everything was starting to confuse her now, & make her nervous. "I don't understand what is happening here," Ava said honestly, her voice quiet, "But... I'm so scared now. Papa isn't as kind as he usually is, Mama is even sicker than before, & you... we've met some time before now, more recently than when we were children. What has happened; what is everyone hiding from me?" Ava realized she was clutching to the front of Andreios' armor now, her fingers gloved for outside cold, but still trembling a little. She, the laws of decency, should move away from Andreios & apologize, but right now, she was the most comfortable she had been all day. There was something familiar about Andreios' height, his scent, the specific, deep color of his eyes. Ava suddenly reached up & clutched her head as the pain washed over her. Her mind struggled to remember Andreios, but her body, filled with her father's evil spell, was fighting her, almost tearing apart. "W-what is happening to me?" Ava asked Andreios helplessly.[/b]