I should be doing homework, oops. Apologies for the fact that she's a little similar to Sophia in terms of her build being short and slight. [b]Name:[/b] Grace Tully [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height:[/b] A whopping 5'0", even with her shoes on. [b]Weight:[/b] 95 lbs, soaking wet. [b]Looks:[/b] [img=http://distilleryimage0.ak.instagram.com/c79d226eac8811e29de022000a1f8db1_7.jpg] Grace isn't what one would consider a threat, due to her stunted growth as a child. She's short, her frame is slight, and try though she may, she's never managed to tip the scale much past 100 lbs. What little muscle she has consists primarily of fast-twitch fibres. She's quick, but not powerful enough to hold her own in hand-to-hand combat. A single punch would send her down. Her dark hair is too fine to be restrained by a ponytail. As a result, pieces are often falling out, hanging in haphazard layers around her face. Even her expression is one of deceptive innocence. With large, dark, eyes and a small mouth, her features resemble a child's. Most people make their mistake by instinctively trusting her. [b]Crime:[/b] Grace is a feminist and a sadist. Her crimes consist of nine counts of torture and murder over the course of four years, nearly all of the victims male. [b]History:[/b] Grace grew up in a strictly Catholic home in rural Maine. Though her parents hated each other, the divorce that should have happened shortly after Grace's birth never went through. Her father was abusive, her mother perpetually depressed. Grace is unable to remember a time when there weren't bruises on her body from both her parents. Although the idea of religion was beat into her weekly, she was never able to consider the idea of a God. No greater power would let her live the life she'd been forced into. They say some people get pushed over the edge. That they reach their limit and just snap. If some people are pushed...Grace Tully jumped. Her first double-murder was weeks in the preparation. She was sixteen years old. She planned out every detail with uncanny accuracy. When her parents came home on November the 24th, she hid in the shadows of their run-down home. A frying pan to the head knocked them unconscious. Hours of knives, irons, and screaming later, they both lay in an unmoving heap on the kitchen floor. Grace ran. She made it to New York City, where her crimes continued. Filled with a hatred towards everyone who took away the power of another, she made it her goal to end their lives. Abusive parents and rapists topped her list. Her crimes were always flawless. No trace evidence whatsoever. When she heard about the potential of the Colosseum, she allowed herself to slip up. She left a trail of evidence on her last murder just wide enough to be followed, without being suspicious. Because Grace knew that the Colosseum would be filled with vicious murderers, rapists, and lord only knows what else. The exact sort of people she had made it her goal to end. [b]Specialty:[/b] Grace is deceptive. If it suits her, she will play the part of the frightened little girl in order to get pity from her victims, and then strike when they don't expect it. In other cases, she relies on stealth. Grace can hide in the smallest of corners, waiting to bash skulls with a heavy object. From there, her style consists of a very slow, very painful, death. Only after she's made her victim pronounce a verbal apology for their crimes will she let them die.