You are not allowed to post on this In character unless you've been officially accepted by ME. === The 1st day of school - 12:00 PM - Nagato, Japan The small town of Nagato was a relatively quiet town with long open fields of grass and was regarded as a nice place to live by many of the inhabitants and the people around it. With the extremely low crime rate and the fact that there was a port city nearby made it popular stop on the way to the sea shore. There were a couple of hotels, a few shopping areas, and long lines of suburban houses towards the central part of the city as well as schools and others important buildings. However the old fashioned feeling of the town got more relative as one went away from the city towards it's outskirts with small farms, houses, and only the occasional bus stops in it's unfettered beauty. There were still a few small buildings, gas stations, and schools scattered throughout the area but nothing really special and or out of the ordinary. Except it was one of the the stops for the mysterious bus that suddenly appeared and vanished that took people on their way to the school hidden from humanity known as, Yokai Academy. Our day starts out with the students preparing for their new adventure.... === Joshua Jackson was still asleep in bed in his PJ's looking like he had just got out of hurricane with his hair all messy and greasy when his aunt called up to him in his room. Joshua groaned and muttered as he told her to wait a couple more minutes, "No aunty I want to sleep for a couple more minutes!" Joshua said impatiently as he rolled from side to side and adjusted his pillow and punched it once before laying down once more, "No buts Joshy! Get your hairy rear down here or I'll drag you down here! I didn't put up with your shenanigans all this time just for you to miss the bus there! This is your first year I don't need to tell that grumpy teacher why my nephew is late!" his aunt yelled at him as Joshua groaned and agreed that she was pretty much on the money. As much as he hated to admit it his nag of an aunt was always right....women tended to be that way most of the time it seemed or at least the women he knew. "Man...." Joshua grumbled tiredly as he rubbed his head and spit into a nearby trash can. "Oh stop your complaining you little fur ball!" his aunt told him sarcastically as which he muttered something under his breath which she considered chewing out the stupid little boy for saying such things in her house. The enhanced hearing was a bit of a pain in the butt when it came to trying to get away with saying things about your family. Joshua spent more than a couple of minutes in the shower as he washed nearly every portion of him with soap just to shut his aunty up for once since she constantly badgered the young man for his musky smell and his tendency to smell like a wet dog for his tendencies to go out running in the fields. "Man Japan is nice and serene and all but it sure is boring thank god I'm finally getting out of here." Joshua said to himself after getting out of the shower he put on his clothes but didn't put on the tie because he honestly hated ties they were just restricting the neck area. He'd put it on as loosely as he could later. And what the HELL was with this green color? It was some sort of turquoise was like seaweed. What was he some sort of stupid prep!? "Whatever I'll deal with it it's not like it's pink." Joshua muttered as he felt disgusted with putting on such horrid colored clothes. He mumbled to himself as he combed his hair with a half assed effort behind it as he finally got his hair in a decent fashion and went downstairs all the time complaining about the smell of soap being so strong. He finally got downstairs.and met up with his dear aunt whom had been slaving along a hot stove in order to make him a nice American breakfast...and then chew him out for being a foul mouthed pain. But a foul mouth pain that she loved dearly as if he was one of her own annoying kids. Joshua had a good laugh with his aunt as the two conversed about him growing up so fast and how they never really got to see each other, "You know it was almost like yesterday that you were in diaper-" his aunty started to tease him but Joshua immediately put a stop to that, "Yeah uh NO I'd rather not get embarrassing baby stories just as I'm about to head out to school. Or are you forgetting that i'm SEVENTEEN!" Joshua said with slightly red cheeks as his aunt laughed at him, "Oh like you wouldn't pull the same punches towards me if you could you little brat." She countered as Joshua rolled his eyes at her and got a well deserved, at least in his aunt's opinion, slap on the back of the head. Joshua grumbled and continue to eat his eggs and toast and bacon. But he also had his eyes on his aunt's hands in order to make sure she didn't slap him again, "You know I'd eat faster if I knew you weren't so much like me." Joshua told her as she chuckled, "How so?" She asked him as he glared at her, "Well you're vain, you're sarcastic, and you like to hit things." Joshua told her as she nodded her head, "Sounds like me." She admitted.with a laugh as she ate her own food and sighed as she looked out the window, "It's like yesterday when I went to that school myself! I was a popular lady you know!" She said with a smile as Joshua looked at her like he wanted to smack her across the back of the head for saying that AND vomit at the same time. "I hate you sometimes....and it doesn't help that I'm eating you know...uncle wouldn't do this to me if he wasn't off working!" Joshua said to his aunt as he finished his food and downed his drink almost all at once with a huge gulp and a half before grabbing his backpack and all of the stuff he'd need including his suit case. "Damn Joshy you got strong! That's what working out get's you I suppose maybe I should have had you redecorate the living room." she made fun of the young boy as he looked at her with distaste. "You're jokes are bad and you should feel bad." Joshua said sarcastically at her as his aunt walked with him to the door and hugged him tightly, "Well I feel proud of you that's what I feel now go and get to the bus stop you wasted too much time already!" Joshua grumbled that he still had twenty minutes which was more than enough time for the leader of a pack like him to get there. "I'm as fast as a coursing river don't worry even with all of this stuff on me! I'm not just going to get there I'll do it in record time!" Joshua stated with a smile as he hugged his aunty and kissed her on her cheek. "I love you and hate you so much at the same time aunty now don't go and tell my parents about how I'm a loser got it?" Joshua told her as his aunty laughed once more, "I don't need to because they already know you are." she said as Joshua stopped mid step and then looked at her, "I walked RIGHT into that one didn't I?" She giggled once more as she gave him his suit case and Joshua ran out of his house and down the street as fast as he could which was pretty fast considering all he was carrying on his back and hands. He was going to be there for a year unless he went 'home' for the breaks in between. As Joshua arrived at the bus stop about twenty minutes later he was slightly sweaty but he used a cloth he had stuffed in his backpack to wipe off his sweat as he looked around and noticed that the stop was in the middle of nowhere. "Oh fun." he said as he sat down underneath a tree. that was next to the stop. "All the way in the middle of Nagato with nothing but a tree to keep me company. FUN!!!!" Joshua said to himself sarcastically and loudly as he waved a finger in the air and laid down on the trunk making sure not to get grass stains on his tacky brown pants.